Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head

Top: Target // Boots: Hunter // Umbrella: Totes // Skirt: Old Navy // Purse: Kate Spade

It rains so much here in Texas. Most people think of the ridiculously hot weather, but being that we are almost coastal here in Houston (only 45 miles from Galveston Bay), we get a ton of rain. Rain and humidity. I used to really fight it. I’d curse at it in my car when traffic was backed up and caught without an umbrella. Now, I embrace it. Why? Because if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. So that’s exactly what I did.

It began last year when I picked up a pair of rain boots. I’m not sure why it took me so long after living her for as many years as I have. Part of it may have been that I wore business professional to work every day. Maybe it was I hadn’t found something I liked. Either way, I bought a pair and wore them out. I mean I wore them for everything – with shorts, on cold days, warm days, in fields, on hikes. I wore them until they became uncomfortable. So this year I shopped around and found my first pair of Hunter boots (on sale 50%, can-I-get-a-hell-yeah?)

 After the rain boots came the umbrellas. I found I preferred a large umbrella to a collapsible smaller one. Totes makes really durable ones in so many colors. I bought a few and now keep one in my home, two in my car and one at my office. It’s really helped on those days where our weather can’t make up its mind. So here’s a quick ode to playing in the rain, get yourself a good pair of boots and a bright umbrella. Wear your hair natural and go outside and play!

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