Two Months of BBG

Three Heel Clicks - 2 Months of BBG (3).jpg
Three Heel Clicks - Two Months of BBG

Let’s do a little catching up. You may have already read my one month of BBG post where I shared a Q&A about starting BBG. Now that another four weeks flew by it’s time for an update. If you look at the first picture you will note BBG week 1 (pretraining) and BBG Beginner Week 3 (but I took the course twice - so I’m on week 8 but in BBG Beginner it’s the second time I’m did Week 3). Here’s the follow up Q&A for Two Months of BBG.

Why did you redo BBG Beginner?

I felt like I needed to get through more laps and push myself to do the full 7 minutes. The first time I went through the course my goal was just to get through one lap on each circuit.. This time I did close to two laps for most of the exercises.

What changes have you noticed?

First of all, I am a ton stronger than before. I am doing deeper push ups, I’m less sore than I was eight weeks ago after a workout. I’ve also increased my cardio. I’m logging an average o 12,000+ steps a day. This helps work out the soreness from the day before.

Have you adjusted your diet?

Starting at the beginning of October I removed alcohol, most dairy and am eating meat a couple times a week at maximum. Mostly plant based. I also removed as much sugar as possible and now am adding fruit back in. I did not cut out caffeine. I also take a few multi-vitamins, enzymes and probiotics every day. Finally, I am eating around a schedule as much as possible.

Have you lost inches?

Absolutely! You can see from the before and after picture that my waistline and upper thighs have slimmed down. There’s more work to do to reach ideal toning, but I am much further along.

How will things change for your lifestyle over the next four weeks?

First, I’d like to add HIIT cardio at least 1-2 days a week in place of my 12k LISS steps. I also am beginning BBG 1.0 next week and will look forward to what it has in store for me. Finally, I will start incorporating a medicine ball and weights.

You can read more about one month update for BBG here.

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