Posts tagged Sneakers
How to Wear Converse Sneakers with a Dress

Did you know that the most popular post I’ve done in 10 years was how to wear converse sneakers if you’re petite! Month after month that single post gets more views than any other piece of content. I figured it was long overdue to share a follow-up to that post with how to wear converse sneakers with a dress. Because… spring is coming! Today I’m going to give tips for anybody's height or shape! These are pretty universal and perfect for getting organized for Spring Break this year. Here are a few ways tips for how to wear converse sneakers with a dress.

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The Ultimate Designer Sneaker Guide

Let’s be honest, we wear these babies more often than we’d like to admit. Everyone has their go-to style. I personally love a good pair of blush-colored sneakers. In the past I’ve worn this retro pair, these and these I really want! Although I’m not huge on the sneaker trend, I will tell you I wear them often since I work out every day. I love being able to also swap my hiking boots out for trails that require less shoe stability. Here are a few of my favorites and you can shop all of my picks below!

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Back to School Sneakers

With all the hype of kids going back to school, it’s the perfect time to grab a pair of new sneakers. I try to refresh my athleisure twice a year (usually Spring and Fall) discarding anything worn or that no longer fits and adding in a few new pieces. Recently I bought a few things to include new leggings (same fit as the ones you are seeing in this pic just in a powder light pink), sneakers, and this adorable top from my friends over at Off the Grid. Sneakers are something you want to change out as soon as they start getting worn. Your feet are imperative as vehicles to get around and worn shoes lead to backaches and injuries. I love the look of these old-school New Balance ones. In fact, I had the same pair in college and wore them until they were no longer in good condition.

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Summer Whites

As we wind down with the second half of summer I felt like it was the perfect time to pull out some of my favorite white pieces. Being from the south, classic white cotton eyelet lace is a practical and pretty textile that’s easy to keep clean. Throw the item in the washer and line dry for the best results. White cotton pieces are worn time and time again throughout the years and my go to for getting dressed quickly. I’ve rounded up a ton of pieces below for you to shop ranging from high end to Amazon finds under $20. Whatever your budget is you can find quality pieces in your budget.

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What Anxiety and Depression Looked Like for Me

September 2018 I sat inside a psychiatrists office for the very first time. I was at rock bottom. I was having panic attacks multiple times a day and feared getting into my car to drive more than 10 minutes. I couldn’t sleep through the night. I felt utterly worthless. Where I used to be a driven person focused on goals and achievement, I couldn’t find it in myself to even write a blog post. My whole life felt like it was just on hold. I also pondered the meaning of my existence.

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Let's Talk Health and Fitness for the Holidays

Thanksgiving is a few weeks away and if you are anything like me you are already dreaming of all of the delicious dishes that will be served. I thought it was appropriate for us to have a quick discussion about health and fitness before diving into the high calorie season. You don’t have to stick to a strict diet all season. You don’t have to jump onto a crazy workout regimen. You can actually enjoy the holidays, move your body and keep the weight off with simple strategies. I’ve found over the years a few things have helped me stay in shape while enjoying all of the amazing foods our holiday traditions provide.

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