How to Survive the Heat and Still Look Chic

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The Texas heat is something else. We experience temperatures year round that some climates only handle through a few months. In Houston, the heat is amplified by humid air from the Gulf of Mexico. Let me tell you, starting in April it’s nothing but hot or rainy until October. After living here in Houston over a decade and having to endure heat through work, extra curricular activities and exercise I have found a few tricks for enduring heat that soars above 90 degrees with 100% humidity. If you want to buy this exact dress and hat head on over to my Amazon Shop and grab them for under $20!

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Choose Fabrics that Breathe

Being a person with very reactive and sensitive skin the material of the clothes and fit of a garment is a high priority for comfort. Too many synthetic fibers woven into a material traps sweat and ends up just breaking my skin out. I found that switching to linen, cotton, and silk during the warm months makes a big difference in being comfortable. I love the look of this checked shirt dress for warmer months. The loose fitting skirt allows you to move and sit with ease, but it’s still fitted enough in the bodice to look polished.

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Keep the Sun Off Your Face

Although I confess, I have a penchant for hats so I will use any excuse to wear one but they do offer coverage off my face. A lot of people I meet are surprised when I tell them I’m over 30 years old. I think so much of that is attributed to living a healthy lifestyle, maintaining my weight, taking care of my skin and eating nutrients. Where I used to bask in the sun, I now take extra precaution and wear hats for additional coverage on my face. Hats also provide you with better vision during bright days by blocking direct sunlight on your eyes. For this time of year I am draw to straw hats, boater hats and anything including a bow.

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Wear a Comfortable Sandal for Walks

When your feet are hot and uncomfortable, you are hot and uncomfortable. Although for long hikes I choose to wear protective footwear for a typical warm day I opt for a pair of comfortable slides or sandals. I stay so much cooler and I can still walk for a good period of time without getting unnecessary blisters. Another tip if you do get blisters often is to look for a shoe that has padding and is backless. I prefer to stay away from flip flops as they have been proven to damage your feet and ankles but instead go for a sweet pair of slides.

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