My First Week Living in California


My first week in Northern California has been on inspiring. It began with us arriving late on a Friday evening after four day cross country drive. We were all tired from a long trip and a little off from the elevation changes but we arrived happily to a hotel room to get some much-needed rest.

The climate out here is significantly dryer then Houston. Hydrating constantly by drinking water and loading on moisturizer is now a daily necessity my routine. I’ve also learned a few other important survival skills like bringing toilet paper biodegradable wipes wherever you go and always have snacks on hand! To get anywhere you were looking at a 1 to 2 hour minimum so be prepared to have what you need with you. Bathrooms and fresh produce or commodities in this area.

I’ve had to change my workflows for running due to inconsistent internet and welcome the challenge knowing it will only make business more efficient. A week into the trip we checked into the home that we will be staying in through the end of September. It’s nice to have a homebase where we can unpack our suitcases.


There has been a necessary Shift in my wardrobe while I’ve been out here. Although I’ve just stop for dinner a few times most days I wear casual outdoor family attire for hiking and swimming. There are so many beautiful lakes in this neck of the woods so daily walks and swims have become part of our routine.

The mornings and evenings drop 40 to 50° cooler by midday remain sunny and warm. I pretty much carry a hoodie, jacket or cozy sweater with me at all times. Baseball caps are taking center stage as an accessory to keep the blazing sun off my face. There’s no pollution said the suns rays are much more extreme and I now wear SPF protection daily.

I created a little video showing the landscape up here from the Redwoods Forest to the coast. Change can be a scary thing or an adventure depending on perspective. I am welcoming me adjustments and doing my best to go with the flow. 

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