5 on fridays - Five Ways to Squeeze in Me TIme

Getting a little bit of me time is possible even if you have a crazy schedule. I get it. There are kids, extracurricular activities, work, social events, birthday parties, work parties and the list goes on. Sometimes life feels like we are just switching constantly from one thing to the next. Over time, without having our self care time it’s easy to lose a sense of purpose. It’s so vital to our well being to be able to relax, refresh, and reset. I challenge you starting today to incorporate a minimum of just 15 minutes of designated “me” time daily during the next week.

The Day Before Set an Alarm for Your 15 Minutes

Always prepare time for yourself. Schedule it! Add it to your daily plan and then set an alarm for it. Treat this time as important as you would preparing your kids for school. After all, you’ll be a better coworker, mom, wife, and friend if you feel yourself!

Set Expectations With Your Family

Let those you love know that you have some time scheduled for yourself and ask them to respect your 15 minutes. You may even request 30 minutes just to ensure you can actually get a full 15 minutes without interruption.

Plan an Activity You Love

Decide on one or two things you’d like to spend time on. Maybe it’s finally trying a yoga flow. Maybe it’s working on your French using Duolingo. Maybe it’s sketching or reading a book. Whatever the activity, have it ready to go so all you have to do is start working on it.

Enjoy Your Time

This is YOUR 15 minutes. Enjoy every last drop! This is NOT the time for Mom guilt. You work hard and help your loved ones, enjoy all of it and remember you are bettering yourself so you can be better for them!

Document Afterwards

Take a photo, post on social media or even keep a journal with a reflections page for this week. Note how you feel after you complete your “me” time! Share your happiness with those around you! Joy is contagious and you’ll be able to see your progress!

Three Heel Clicks - 5 on Fridays - Five Ways to Squeeze in 15 Minutes of Me Time  #selfcare #personaldevelopment

Create a beautiful berry inspired Fall look!

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