Habits that make working from home easier


One of the biggest struggles from working from home that I’ve come across since I entered this journey, is getting the priorities accomplished. I’ve always been one of those people that adhere to the boundaries of a set schedule when someone else that for me, but I found since I started working from home it’s a whole new ballgame. I’ve realized just how important it is for me to have not only a set schedule but have a routine in place to make my life more efficient and to maximize the usage of my brain power. Here are a few habits you can please in your daily life to make working from home a little bit easier.

Establish a Morning Routine

So your morning routine is the start of your day it sets presidents and town for the rest of your day so carefully put together a simple list that will allow you to cover all your bases like nutrition get your heart rate up and also make sure that you incorporate some sort of personal development to keep a positive mindset. Another thing to consider in your morning routine is breakfast, even if you’re not a big breakfast eater it’s important to get those calories into your body and make it a sustainable breakfast with a good balance of carbs protein and fat.

You’ll also be thankful for taking the time to put on something that’s inspirational whether that is a video, a song you live, or maybe it’s something you enjoy reading. Do you want to make sure that you’re in a positive mindset at the beginning of your day before you launch into all of the things that life is going to throw at you also, it’s a great time to review that to do list before you get going.

Get Dressed Everyday

This is the topic that I cannot stress how important it is and it’s the one thing I didn’t do for the first year I worked for myself. Actually, it was about a year and a half for this for me to catch on to this. Get yourself dressed every single day whether that is in workout clothes because you’re going to be going away on a run or maybe that is just some loungewear but get yourself out of whatever you slept and brush her teeth wash your face complete your skin care and make yourself feel and look your best for the day. Your best doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to be dressed to the nine but taking pride in our physical appearance and hygiene is just as important as our morning routine and also helps you set the tone for the day.

Exercise the Body and Mind

Every single day make sure that you build some sort of exercise and reading activities into your schedule. It doesn’t have to be a 5 mile run you can simply take a 15 or 20 minute walk around the block but get your heart rate up everything all day. It’s a stress reliever when we exercising and also allows the mind to focus better on the things that we need to get done.

As far as reading is concerned, make sure that you spend time every single day reading a printed material. This will help your brain stay sharp as well and allow for more brain power usage.

Log Your Time

Logging your time is one of the easiest ways to figure out what you need to be doing more of them what you need to be doing last Avenue to ensure that your business grows and thrives on a daily basis. If you don’t know what your time wasters are, do you need to isolate those first before you can really make other major adjustments. Eliminating distraction clears the mind and allows you to focus much sharper on tasks at hand. Remember, clutter is clutter even if it’s in the brain!

Close Your Day Out

At the end of every evening it’s important to review which you did good and also review what you need to work on for the next day. I promise you it will make your life a whole lot simpler if you just take 15 minutes at the end of your day to make your next days to do list. If you wait until the next morning to write your to do list often times you have to warm the brain up and go back through the day before when you could’ve just easily to jot it down the few things you need to do a move on with your life. I also think it’s good for you to do a brain down. This will ensure that you sleep better and rest assured that you have the things that you need to do down on paper.

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