Posts tagged Business
Boss Up Course Launching on 10/22

Happy Monday friends! What a whirlwind of a weekend. I spent so much of it getting a ton of downtime in. I hope you found ways to recharge, rest, and refill your cup. So many updates for you today! First, the Glow Up course launched last week and was a huge success! It’s a two-day course that will help you create a plan with achievable results in 30 days.

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How To Blog: Photography Tips

If you missed my first post in this How to Blog series I talked about five ways you can make money on your blog. You can read that post here, and today I’m continuing the series to share more tips and tricks with you. A key element for any blog is photography. Whether you are snapping pictures of food for recipes creating or you work in the tech world and are delivering copy on wide area networks you still need pictures for your posts! There are a few reasons - first, it helps optimize your page when you add alt text behind graphics. That allows search engines like Google and Pinterest to find your blog. Spiders will crawl your page to look for strings of keywords that are relevant searches, but images help boost your visibility!

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Wearing Confidence

A few years back I went through a period of time where I was really shy. Growing up we traveled all over and I was constantly the new kid. It was so embarrassing to eat lunch alone until I made friends. Later on, I struggled with anxiety and found social interactions intimidating all over again. I started working on better lifestyle habits and slowly gained more and more confidence. Just about that time a friend of mine reached out and introduced me to the most amazing mascara. I partnered with a company and immediately was plugged into a team of girls who really cheered me on! We became fast friends over Facebook and they would give me encouragement when I posted! I had no idea how much I needed that in my life and am forever grateful.

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Habits that make working from home easier

One of the biggest struggles from working from home that I’ve come across since I entered this journey, is getting the priorities accomplished. I’ve always been one of those people that adhere to the boundaries of a set schedule when someone else that for me, but I found since I started working from home it’s a whole new ballgame. I’ve realized just how important it is for me to have not only a set schedule but have a routine in place to make my life more efficient and to maximize the usage of my brain power. Here are a few habits you can please in your daily life to make working from home a little bit easier.

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