Posts tagged Round Up 2020
The Dress That Will Make You Feel Like a Boss Babe

I’m all about rocking a dress that makes you look and feel good. This beauty (I actually wore in blue a while back) is one of the most flattering dresses I own. Period. It comes in a variety of colors and I fell in love with it so much I bought it in both tan and a pale blue. Sometimes all you need is a dress, pair of good heels (seen here for another work outfit), and a classic bag. When I put on a dress like this I literally feel like a million bucks and the best part is how it hides all of the food babies I ate for lunch! Fits true to size and would be perfect with boots, sneakers, or a pair of loafers for a more casual look. I’ll probably wear it to Thanksgiving it’s that comfortable! Oh, and did I mention it’s under $40 and on Amazon? Yep, you heard me! Affordable, too.

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Listen To Your Inner Voice

Are you one of those people that gets a strong sense of direction in the pit of your stomach? Like there’s something inside of you urging you to move one way or another? I am that person. I’ve always had a strong intuition but growing up and into my early adulthood, I didn’t always pay attention to it. In fact, sometimes I would rationalize against it. As I’ve aged (hello 35 almost 36) I’ve learned to trust that inner voice. The inner voice doesn’t steer me wrong. In fact, every time I’ve gone against it I’ve later regretted it. I believe intuition is just as important as what our minds can come up with. I find humans rationalize emotional and illogical choices to justify doing them. I also find that we lead so often with our heads and not our hearts.

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Small Town Charm: Fairhope, Alabama

On my way home from my travels this week to the Florida coast I made it a point to take a short detour through Fairhope, Alabama. It’s a coastal city about half an hour South from Mobile, AL and an hour from Pensacola, Florida. The city has so much charm it felt like I was instantly transported to a little European town. From lovely boutiques to patios covered in flowers there’s no dull corner as you make your way through the streets of their small downtown area. The city dates back to late 1800’s when a group of popular reformists decided to create a southern utopia. The city was built for creative and free thinking people. Around 1908 the city was established with about 500 people.

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No Rain No Rainbows

Over the past week, I took myself on a little journey across the South. I decided to start in Mississippi and travel down to the Florida coast and then back through New Orleans making a loop home. When I arrived at the coast I immediately encountered a series of thunderstorms. It definitely was a challenge for me to photograph and spend time at the beach due to intermittent raining and required an immense amount of flexibility in my day. I am a planner but you can’t always plan everything. Life is dynamic. In fact, some would say that life is constantly changing and nothing remains the same. I’ve found the thunderstorms bring the prettiest sunsets and rainbows. I think that’s true for life, too. There’s no such thing as only experiencing “good.” You have to have the lows for growth and to appreciate the highs. Without rain there is no rainbow.

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The One Beauty Item I Never Leave Home Without

Confession: I’m a total outdoors gal. You might not expect me to say that being how much I love getting dolled up, but when I’m in nature I’m at home. From sunny days to trips to the beach to aggressive hikes in the mountains… I love it all. When given the option to work out at the gym or outdoors, you’ll find me jogging outside any day. Being that I love time outdoors means a lot of exposure to the sun. With the sun comes wrinkles if I leave my skin unprotected. These days more than ever I find myself being diligent about taking care of my skin and wearing a product with SPF daily is now built into my morning routine.

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Refresh Your Beauty Regimen

As the new year is approaching and resolutions are being made I realize that one of the best things I’ve ever done to take care of myself was to refresh my beauty regimen. A few years ago I struggled with hormonal acne. It was so incredibly tough being an adult. It affected my confidence so much. After making a few simple changes and managing my stress level I was able to improve the health of my skin and reduce problems with acne. I changed my regimen, switched to non-toxic products and implemented healthier lifestyle choices. Now I make it a point to regularly point to clear out old products and clean things out. Here are a few ways I’m refreshing my beauty regimen for the upcoming year.

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Finding Joy Alone

“‘Tis the Damn Season…” says Taylor Swift. If there were ever a song line to relate to that would be the one for Holiday Season 2020. That’s exactly what I thought when Christmas started getting closer. It would be the first in four years that I wouldn’t have my kiddo with me. My heart hurt. However, I have a responsibility to myself and those around me to not sit in pain but instead find joy. Joy in all moments. I figured out this year that joy can come in so many forms if you are willing to seek it out. So I went searching for it instead of sitting home on my couch moping. (I’ve done my fair share of moping for one lifetime and don’t want to go back to being that way.) I wrote about what happens when you let go in your life earlier this week and I’m letting go of all of the fear, sadness and past pain so I have tons of room for peace and joy. If you are also at this crossroad where you are just tired of being sick and tired… then read on.

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What Happens When You Let Go

I did something big this weekend - I drove 600 miles along from Texas to Florida. Let’s back up for a minute. Two years ago I was struggling driving to work or an hour away to go to my parents house due to panic attacks. It was debilitating. I felt helpless often because I’d turn things down for fear of panic in the car. Enough was just enough. I couldn’t live my life like that anymore. I realized I just had to find a way and where there is a will… there is a way. I began to do something called exposure therapy. It’s where you expose yourself to a situation in small doses to build up a tolerance. Basically, you are rewiring the brain. I started taking day trips on the weekends when I was alone. First it was an hour or two away, then I traveled with my daughter for a whole weekend in November to Austin. I figured at that point if I could make it through a weekend with the kid chatting my head off while driving, I could do something bigger. And I did just that - I booked a hotel, packed the car up and grabbed my dog for a 600 mile journey!

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Baking Therapy and Going Grain Free

Over the past few weeks I’ve made a major shift in what I eat to include going grain-free. As I’ve mentioned her on the blog I am anxiety prone. Not just a little anxiety, I’ve been diagnosed with full blown panic disorder. These days I rarely get a panic attack, however that is only due to a consistent self-care regimen, therapy and lots of rest. I also practice mindfulness which has made a huge impact on how I process information and worry less. Practicing joy is another intentional element in my life and as we’ve had shorter days I find myself inside more than ever and with that came baking! Baking has been a pastime of mine over the years beginning with vacations at my grandma’s house when I was little. I loved spending hours with her making our family banana bread, cookies and cream puffs. While some of the other kiddos in the family were impatient at a young age, I found I got more attention from her if I baked and therefore spent tons of time doing so. Before you knew it I picked up a lot of information and realized just how much I absolutely love baking!

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Gifting Books to Grow

Over the years my family who are avid readers have given the gifts of books time and time again. I have to tell you, books are some of my favorite gifts to give and receive. Last year I shared a few favorites in this post and then also I did a book review on Facebook live here. Books are incredible for the brain. Did you know it’s the best way to exercise your mind? It’s like giving your brain a high intensity workout. This year most of the books I’ve read revolved around the topic of personal development: spiritual, business, mental health and healing. I set out early in the year to make my life “explode” and knew from day 1 it would require an immense amount of focus. Some of these books were ones I listened to while others I read in paper form. Because I spend so much time in my life working on screens my book time stays off screen. Today’s post includes my favorite finds on Amazon so you still have time to grab for those loved ones or gift yourself as you begin a new year.

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Lipsticks to Conquer the World

Drumroll please…It’s finally here. Opulence lipsticks are back in stock after months and months of waiting. Not only are they back in stock but come in six glorious shades. From bold pink to soft matte rose there’s just nothing I mean nothing more glam that swiping on a bold shade of lipstick to tackle the day! I am so excited to share our newest holiday bundle with your choice of three shades for under $60. These babies are not for the faint of heart. They have lasting power that exceeded all of my expectations!

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How to Handle Being Single Over the Holidays

I realized that most of my adulthood I’ve been in a relationship or marriage every year during the holidays. When that sunk in I immediately thought there are some of you guys who also are single this year and not sure what to do with yourself. Fear not! I’ve got some coping skills for you in today’s post. Being a single doesn’t have to be a downer. You can shop all of the sales and buy gifts for yourself without anyone complaining about the budget. You can decorate your house however you want - bring on all the pastel decor and mini Christmas trees. You also can take as much time for self-care and sleep as you need. Interested in learning a new hobby? Yes please! Now is the time! Being alone can be incredibly growing, positives and much needed after a period of hardship. Give yourself a break over the next few months, grab a cozy cup of hot chocolate and just snuggle up with a good book in front of your tree.

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Restoring Yourself in Nature This Season

Let’s go ahead and just start with how this post can benefit everyone. I mean EVERYONE right now. Whether you want to admit it or not COVID-19 forever changed us and being stuck inside all the time is rough. Currently, I work from home and homeschool my child with virtual learning. By the end of the week my routines feel monotonous and I have an itch to go explore. For most of this past year I’ve taken day trips to surrounding areas like antique shopping or exploring near by honey and lavender farms. Every time I get a chance to leave I come back feeling renewed. I gain inspiration that carries me through the coming days and weeks. My soul literally feels more joy. Last weekend my daughter and I took a trip to Cedar Park on the north side of Austin. Our activities included being mostly outside and socially distant. At the end of the weekend she said this hike in St. Edwards Park was the best thing we did. Whether you face nature alone or take your loved ones, getting a little lost in nature is often times the refresher we all need to get us through the stressful times.

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The Butterfly Garden

Yesterday I shared a little about our girl’s weekend trip to Austin and the incredible sunset we saw from Mt. Bonnell. The week has been full of so many magical memories and on the way here my daughter asked if we could go to a butterfly place. With all of Austin’s wildlife I figured there had to be one. I did a quick search and sure enough a few places popped up including this one. We arose yesterday morning for a quick breakfast stop at The Original Pancake House and since we were about a 15 minute minute drive away from the garden decided to add it to our itinerary for the day. It was definitely worth it! It’s also located by a food truck park and Mueller Lake Park so lots to do in the area!

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Small Town Charm: Coffee and Antique Shopping in Huntsville

It’s been a minute since I posted a Small Town Charm post. Yesterday, I took a day trip to my old college stomping ground in Huntsville, TX. It’s been a few year years since I made that journey and remembered just how pretty it was during the Fall and Spring. It’s about a 45 minute drive from College Station and an hour and a half from Houston. The perfect getaway for antique shopping, coffee and lunch. The sky was a clear blue which made the drive even more enjoyable! I spent a few hours picking up a few gifts in the anitique stores and then grabbed a really delicious Sipsy’s latte at a local coffee shop. Did you know that Huntsville has a ton of history in its downtown and surrounding areas? Yep, in the mid-1800’s it was a spot where General Sam Houston stayed! In fact, the corner I’m standing on below was a location he spent time in! History is so much fun when you start imaging all of the places and situations people have been in before in the exact same spots.

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Let's Talk Health and Fitness for the Holidays

Thanksgiving is a few weeks away and if you are anything like me you are already dreaming of all of the delicious dishes that will be served. I thought it was appropriate for us to have a quick discussion about health and fitness before diving into the high calorie season. You don’t have to stick to a strict diet all season. You don’t have to jump onto a crazy workout regimen. You can actually enjoy the holidays, move your body and keep the weight off with simple strategies. I’ve found over the years a few things have helped me stay in shape while enjoying all of the amazing foods our holiday traditions provide.

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Holiday Beauty I Can't Live Without

The holiday season is a time to pull out all of the stops to sparkle and shine. As this year’s season approaches I’ve found I am drawing so much inspiration for the 1930’s. Did you know that during The Great Depression musicals and glamourous Hollywood scenes were used to lift the spirits of those in trying times. When you look at movies made during that era formal gowns made of satin and sequins were everywhere. Was it practical? Absolutely not. Especially when many families were barely able to make ends meet, but it served hope for many. I believe if we stop dreaming we start dying.

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Resurfacing in Life

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

At the beginning of 2020 I chose the word explode for my year. When I selected that word I thought it would be my business that would explode. Little did I know God had bigger plans than that. Every single area of my life ended up changing - mentally, physically, emotionally, my home, my work, my parenting. All the energy from the past few years I put forth came together to form this new life I have now. I am obsessively grateful for where I am today, but I’ll never forget where I came from. I believe that are moments of struggle are tests of faith. As we move through those dark valleys with faith and hope we are able to make it to the other side where the blessing lie. My life is a living testimony of that. It didn’t explode until I pushed through the pain. It didn’t reap the blessings without the sacrifice.

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How to Handle a Major Break Up

Earlier this year I experienced the ending of a very very long relationship. I’m here to tell you that no matter how bad the relationship gets, the break up is not an easy path. Especially if you’ve intertwined your lives by moving in together, getting married or having a child together. I believe there is a mourning period for the end of anything in life no matter how joyful the ultimate outcome is. You can know in your mind and soul that ending the relationship is the best thing for yourself, but actually going through the breakup itself takes time to heal. The thing is, you had a life with this person and dreams and hopes. When a major relationship ends, those dreams end. The life you thought you had will never be that way and the hope for the relationship to improve ends, too. As I’ve watched many friends and famous relationships break up during COVID-19 I realized this is a topic that many could benefit from reading.

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Bee Weaver Farm

This weekend was one of those magical moments I’ll remember for the rest of my life. Just filled with the best weather, activities, rest and joy. I believe in perfect timing in life. There is a time for everything. Sometimes we have periods of rough roads while other times are smooth sailing. This weekend was smooth sailing. A few years ago I noticed on my drives from Houston to College Station there was a little farm right outside of Navasota, TX. Usually I was traveling for overnight trips and had my dog with me so I never made the stop. Now that I live in College Station I decided to take a day trip out to the Honey Farm and check it out.

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