Feeling Blue Over the Holidays?

Three Heel Clicks - Feeling Blue Over the Holidays?

It occurred to me as I was shooting these photographs last night in downtown Bryan with decorations everywhere that the holidays are not so much fun for everyone. I’m generally a cheerful person but I’m definitely not blind to other people struggling. Maybe you’ve lost a loved one during this time of year. Maybe you just are at a season that’s been really tough and you can’t seem to shake it yet. Maybe you are one of those people that had a terrible childhood and now the holidays floods back memories. Whatever it is - if you are feeling blue right now this post is definitely for you.

First things first, I’m not a counselor by any means but I understand sadness. A few years ago I went through a core shaking tough period of my life. I was at loss of joy. I felt at the time my entire world was crashing down - my physical health was at an all time low, my mental state lacked all sense of purpose and my soul seemed to ache. I lost sight of things like hopes and dreams. In fact, most days I remember thinking, Is this all there is to life? It was brutal. When the soul is sad, there’s no amount of cheer to make it immediately feel better. There is good news though… it can change. If you are wondering right now if your life could be different, I’m here to tell you things can explode positively pretty quickly. My life has been nothing short of a miracle during a global pandemic and it can change for you, too.

Begin with a vision of what you would like your life to be. This is almost like a vision board. Write it down. Find things on Pinterest. Create your future life. You see there is power in creating a future self. You can literally call any life you want forth if you imagine more than doubt. Every single time you have self-doubt switch to your vision board and focus. Stop just wanting, actually spend time imagining it! Your next task after you have a clear picture is to make choices towards that vision. You see the brain is just a gigantic copy machine. If you tell it to copy positive thoughts, it will. If you tell it to copy doubt, it will do that, too. Might as well change to fun thoughts opposed to sad ones right? But to do that, you have to start envisioning it.

Three Heel Clicks - Feeling Blue Over the Holidays?

Have a plan. Doesn’t have to be an over the top minute by minute agenda… but a plan will work if you work it. Remember that vision board… now it’s time to start putting it into action. Make a list of three things you can do each day to get closer to the vision. Make your list and put your energy toward it. Be so busy doing things to get closer to your vision that you don’t have time to wallow. Seriously! No matter what your life has been like up until this point you have the power to change it. Even if you don’t feel like you have power… you do. I am a walking example of this. If I can, you can. It’s really that simple.

Seek help. Everyone needs a good foundation. During the low point of my life I didn’t feel like I had much encouragement or support. I slowly had to earn people’s trust and build that support system. Keep showing up. Show up for you, show up for those you love, show up even when you don’t feel like it. Just keep baby stepping yourself toward the vision. The rest will melt away and time really does heal all wounds. Don’t be afraid to find mentors, psychiatry help, spiritual guides and new friends. You can have an entirely different life if you just move forward inch by inch every day.

Being happy isn’t always over night, but you are completely capable of making small daily choices that bring you joy.

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