Welcome to 36

Three Heel Clicks - Welcome to 36

Wow! I’m not going to lie as I sit here and write early this morning I cannot believe I’m turning 36 years old in a few hours. Age is funny. I remember a few years back when I lacked purpose in life I felt old and withered. These days I feel like my life has just begun. I feel vibrant, alive, and excited when I rise each morning. I feel like tackling the day is a privilege, not a chore. Over the past two years, so much of my life changed and I’m here for it! I’m living proof that you should not give up on your dreams. Keep going, keep striving, keep doing the baby steps until you reach what you’re after.

Three Heel Clicks - Welcome to 36

Cutest sequin dress under $15 on Amazon. I couldn’t believe how soft it felt and the fit was incredible!

Last night I shared on Facebook a few life lessons I learned this past year. It really boiled down to two main themes - progress is progress even when you don’t feel like it and your choice adds up to who you are. When you make a decision the universe has a way of bringing opportunities to confirm that decision. The power is in your hands at that point. For instance, I decided on March 22nd, 2019 I would not drink alcohol. Since that day I’ve had many people in my life offer a drink and every time I get the opportunity to say no I also have the opportunity to proclaim and own my decision. Whatever choices you make, you’ll be able to continue to reinforce with opportunities that come your way.

Three Heel Clicks - Welcome to 36

The second major life lesson I learned was that progress doesn’t really feel like progress sometimes but it is still progress. Shaky baby steps are still moving in the right direction. There will be times when you are running after something that it will feel like you are barely moving or not moving at all. Those walls will become another opportunity for you to dismantle obstacles to obtain personal growth. Growth is so uncomfortable. Growth is not glamorous or beautiful - it’s painful and awkward. But the baby steps add up one at a time to help you blossom. Keep going no matter what.

Three Heel Clicks - Welcome to 36

At 7:45 am today I turn 36. I plan to use this time even more wisely than ever before. I plan to continue to discard what no longer serves my purpose and priorities in life. I choose to continue owning the choices I make and to keep a positive mindset. I choose to keep going no matter what because I’m grateful for every single moment I have - the good, the difficult, and the lessons I’ve learned. Thank you for celebrating another year with me!

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