Posts tagged Round Up 2021
Sparkle and Shine in West Texas

For the past few days I’ve really kicked my outfits up a notch. It’s the last week of the year and around the 20th I decided to wear my best. I found this dress the other day when I was finishing some Christmas shopping and thought it was the perfect holiday staple for my closet. I can see it being equally cute if I swapped out pumps for the boots. I love the soft champagne color and the whole thing was on sale for under $20. What a steal.

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Book the Trip, Wear the Dress

How many times have you thought to yourself… I really should have taken that trip? I’m in a phase of life where I am holding nothing back. I have no reason to anymore. In the past, I came up with reasons I couldn’t do something or go somewhere. Maybe it was the cost. Maybe it was asking for time off from my job and I didn’t think they couldn’t manage without me being there. Maybe it was because my ex-husband didn’t show interest or even complained about it. Maybe it was the fact that you have three kids and now you have no idea how to even begin to make that happen. When was the last time you did something that made you feel the most you?

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Staying Sober During the Holidays One Mocktail at a Time

This is now my third Christmas in a row of being sober. I can tell you that although my twenty-something self would have looked at me like I had two heads if I had told her she would be completely sober through a pandemic and into the year following a global shutdown. Yes, this person right here used to love her wine and champagne. Especially on a holiday. A few years ago I made the decision to stop drinking in hopes that my life would find purpose and I would stop having panic attacks. Both happened and here we are ordering mocktails instead of martinis. So little is really talked about in the drinking world outside of being either a drinker or someone who doesn’t. I love going to a good party. I also love fancy drinks. What I don’t love is alcohol. It just doesn’t agree with my anxiety and I feel like a happier human being without it. If you are also in the same boat and alcohol just doesn’t do it for you right now I’m here to tell you a few ways I still have fun without having a hangover.

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Escape to Davy Crockett National Forest

This past year I’ve made it a goal to visit as many National and State Parks as possible. They house some of the most beautiful scenery! This season alone I visited Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, Padre Island National Sea Shore, Hot Springs National Forest, and Davy Crockett National Forest. It’s so refreshing to get away from most people and wander the trails of nature. I’ve been able to experience things you just don’t get in the city around people. From driving 50 miles off-road to getting lost in the Fall foliage National Parks are the way to go!

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Step by Step How I Ease Stress and Lower Anxiety

Sometimes I have to do a little reality check on myself. This week was one of those times. After a whirlwind of ten days of non-stop travel and then the joys of Thanksgiving I rolled right into this last week with fatigue. Not only fatigue, but my sister spent Friday getting a metal rod out of her leg in surgery. She had an injury five years ago and decided to get the hardware taken out this past week. I didn’t realize just how much all of these blessings would also add extra stressors into my life. I drove into Houston on Friday and let me tell you my anxiety was at an all-time high. Once I returned home I made a decision to do everything I could to clear my calendar for Saturday and just decompress. Anxiety never goes completely away, but I have managed these past few years to get it in a manageable state. I thought it would be wildly appropriate to share what I experience and how I cope with amounting pressure in hopes that it helps you, too.

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The Historic Arlington Hotel in Hot Springs

My daughter and I took a brief trip to Hot Springs, Arkansas a few weekends ago to stay at the Arlington Hotel. This iconic location was filled with the most beautiful marble staircase, vintage elevators, and high ceilings. The hotel dates back to the roaring ’20s when people would flock to the area for the Bathhouses. Nestled on federal land right across the street from Hot Springs National Park it’s a prime location! We stay for the entire weekend being able to walk to restaurants, shops, and the park. The hotel is also dog friendly which made it even more appealing.

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New Hair For The Holiday Season

After having long hair for about a decade I decided it was time for something fresh. About a month and a half ago I started seeing an acupuncturist who kindly suggested that my headaches might improve if I shed a little hair. Having long hair was kind of my signature and at the time I was resistant to the change. Low and behold I would keep getting a little more and little more interested in the idea each day that passed by. Fast forward to now where I finally pulled the plug! I chopped off about 10lbs of hair and feel incredibly refreshed! I love that new look it brings and cannot wait to try different styles with it! As far as the headaches, well it immediately improved! Maybe I should have done this a little sooner…

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Seven Fall Worthy Locations for Camping and Hiking in Texas

Over the past few months I’ve gone hiking almost every single weekend. I love the feeling of getting outdoors and pushing my body! Although I live in a somewhat flat terrain in College Station, TX I’ve found with traveling a few hours away I can get a completely different geographical setting. This post includes a mix of day hikes, aggressive backpacking and camping ideas for Fall travels. If you are looking for something laid back and shaded I would try Davy Crockett National Forest or Mission Tejas State Park where the El Camino Real begins and dates back to the late 1600’s when the Spanish settled in Texas. For more aggressive hikes try Lost Maples State Natural Area or Goodwater Loop and Trail which both offer stepper terrain! For a waterfall sighting Crockett Gardens in Goodwater Loop and Trail along with Riverplace Nature Trail in Austin both offer a pretty sighting. Below you will find a list and photographs of actual travels over the past few months designed to restore your love for nature in Texas!

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Seven Fall Worthy Locations for Camping and Hiking in Texas

Over the past few months I’ve gone hiking almost every single weekend. I love the feeling of getting outdoors and pushing my body! Although I live in a somewhat flat terrain in College Station, TX I’ve found with traveling a few hours away I can get a completely different geographical setting. This post includes a mix of day hikes, aggressive backpacking and camping ideas for Fall travels. If you are looking for something laid back and shaded I would try Davy Crockett National Forest or Mission Tejas State Park where the El Camino Real begins and dates back to the late 1600’s when the Spanish settled in Texas. For more aggressive hikes try Lost Maples State Natural Area or Goodwater Loop and Trail which both offer stepper terrain! For a waterfall sighting Crockett Gardens in Goodwater Loop and Trail along with Riverplace Nature Trail in Austin both offer a pretty sighting. Below you will find a list and photographs of actual travels over the past few months designed to restore your love for nature in Texas!

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Three Tips for Managing Your Sanity at Work

Whether you work from home or have returned to the office, mental health concerns are still on the rise. Things are just different than they were pre COVID. There’s no denying we live in a different world than two years ago. However, no matter what shape things are in, we can still find ways to connect with our coworkers, create a space and environment we love working in, and enjoy our time doing the things that pay the bills. Although I am a work-from-home employee, in recent months my company has been pushing more face-to-face meetings and company events. Our home office employees have returned as have many of my friends. In a very uncertain time, I find it’s best to stay positive and realistic. Understanding that things are going to remain dynamic as we continue to navigate a pandemic and just take it one day at a time because nothing is set in stone. Here are a few ways I’m managing my sanity as I go back to see people face to face.

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Small Town Charm: A Weekend in Historic Vicksburg

Over the summer I had the pleasure of visiting beautiful Vicksburg, Mississippi. This historic town offered the best weekend getaway and if you are looking for a lovely place to stay in the South, I highly recommend a brief trip. Nestled along the Mississippi River there is plenty to see and do for a few days. I loved how much history took place here to include the European exploration and Civil War events. There is so much culture to soak in while you stay and overall one of my top cities to travel to in the past few years. Below you will find few of my favorite spots including where to stay, what to eat and things to see while you are there.

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Fire Red

Some nights have to be documented. Last week my daughter made all A’s on her first middle school report card and I couldn’t be happier for her! I believe moments like this should be celebrated and so off we went to dinner for a special treat. Golden hour was exquisite so we stopped on the way to grab a few photographs. Over the years, I’ve had the joy of working with photographers, friends, and family to help me take photographs on the blog but my favorite person to work with is my kiddo. She’s developed such a skill set through time and these are some of her best work! I believe if you put in hard work and focus time and time again you’ll find that skill is built over time. Whether it’s good grades, or it’s a series of photographs, repetition increases the ability to get it right.

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Postcards from North Padre Island

The island stretches a full 60 miles until you reach the Mansfield Channel that separates South Padre Island from North Padre Island. It’s absolutely beautiful and I look forward to getting the opportunity to come back and camp for a few days. I highly recommend bringing hiking boots so you can explore the beautiful sand dunes and grasslands. You’ll need to watch out for rattlesnakes, but other than that it’s a pretty mild hiking environment. You can watch the sunset over the Madre Lagoon which is one of seven estuaries in the world. I also recommend bringing a cooler with extra food and snacks in the event you were stuck. There’s not a lot of people as you get further down the coast (sometimes miles in between campsites) so keeping enough food and water on hand is essential.

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Last Days of Summer

As we roll into Labor Day weekend I wanted to take a few minutes to reflect on this past Summer. After years of fighting battles internally, I found a freedom I’ve never experienced before. I took my second solo trip to Florida stopping along the way in historic Vicksburg, MS then onto Mobile, AL, and landed in the Emerald Bay in Florida. Meeting up with a friend I haven’t seen in twenty years was just one highlight of this magical season. Summer is the season of living outdoors, of dipping your feet into the sea and laying on the beach listening to the humming of the ocean. It’s a time for lots of SPF, sunshine, and hydration. The season for really living life to its fullest and being as carefree as possible. Road tripping from beach to beach and walks at sunset make this season unlike any other. What was your summer like? Did you find a way to get out of your home? Did you make it to the beach? Did you watch the sunset on the horizon late into the evening while cicadas sang in the background? Here are a few of my favorite memories from my week in Florida.

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Welcome to 36

Wow! I’m not going to lie as I sit here and write early this morning I cannot believe I’m turning 36 years old in a few hours. Age is funny. I remember a few years back when I lacked purpose in life I felt old and withered. These days I feel like my life has just begun. I feel vibrant, alive, and excited when I rise each morning. I feel like tackling the day is a privilege, not a chore. Over the past two years, so much of my life changed and I’m here for it! I’m living proof that you should not give up on your dreams. Keep going, keep striving, keep doing the baby steps until you reach what you’re after.

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Wearing Confidence

A few years back I went through a period of time where I was really shy. Growing up we traveled all over and I was constantly the new kid. It was so embarrassing to eat lunch alone until I made friends. Later on, I struggled with anxiety and found social interactions intimidating all over again. I started working on better lifestyle habits and slowly gained more and more confidence. Just about that time a friend of mine reached out and introduced me to the most amazing mascara. I partnered with a company and immediately was plugged into a team of girls who really cheered me on! We became fast friends over Facebook and they would give me encouragement when I posted! I had no idea how much I needed that in my life and am forever grateful.

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Getting Inspired Again

At the beginning of summer, I felt so worn out. I had just come off of a four-month push in my business and at work, my daughter broke her elbow and had surgery, and stress was at an all-time high. I felt exhausted and uninspired. Have you recently been there, too? I’ve learned as the years pass that life comes in waves. Sometimes you are riding a high and then the valleys in life happen. As I approach being 36 in two weeks I’ve been reflecting more and more about these seasons in my life. How do I manage the lows better? How do I encourage the high points to stay high longer? How do I stay inspired when I don’t feel like I have much energy? As I’ve reflected I found a few things that help me get through the waves of life.

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Feeling Overwhelmed These Days?

A few weeks ago I stumbled across a documentary on Amazon Prime about being a highly sensitive person. I had no idea this was even a thing in life but immediately connected with the content. I am extremely sensitive to sunlight, overhead lights, and brightness. If a siren is sounding in the background, I struggle to concentrate on anything except the repetitive noise. After a social event, I feel completely wiped out and want to spend the next day doing my own thing in my environment. Does any of this sound familiar to you? This post may help! 15-20% of people and animals are classified as highly sensitive. They pick up on small details most would overlook and they have a heightened sense of taste, touch, hearing, sight, and smell. When they are bombarded by too many new experiences or strong things they end up feeling frazzled. Welp, that’s me!

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Listen To Your Inner Voice

Are you one of those people that gets a strong sense of direction in the pit of your stomach? Like there’s something inside of you urging you to move one way or another? I am that person. I’ve always had a strong intuition but growing up and into my early adulthood, I didn’t always pay attention to it. In fact, sometimes I would rationalize against it. As I’ve aged (hello 35 almost 36) I’ve learned to trust that inner voice. The inner voice doesn’t steer me wrong. In fact, every time I’ve gone against it I’ve later regretted it. I believe intuition is just as important as what our minds can come up with. I find humans rationalize emotional and illogical choices to justify doing them. I also find that we lead so often with our heads and not our hearts.

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Small Town Charm: Fairhope, Alabama

On my way home from my travels this week to the Florida coast I made it a point to take a short detour through Fairhope, Alabama. It’s a coastal city about half an hour South from Mobile, AL and an hour from Pensacola, Florida. The city has so much charm it felt like I was instantly transported to a little European town. From lovely boutiques to patios covered in flowers there’s no dull corner as you make your way through the streets of their small downtown area. The city dates back to late 1800’s when a group of popular reformists decided to create a southern utopia. The city was built for creative and free thinking people. Around 1908 the city was established with about 500 people.

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