Posts tagged At Home
How to Be More of Who You Are

For years I tried on different lifestyles trying to figure out which one was mine. I tried being the housewife, the adventurer, the breadwinner, the holistic momma, the corporate go-getter, and much more. I needed to go through an elimination process to figure out what I wasn’t before defining what I would be. I think that’s okay. Not all of us come out of the womb knowing our life path. Four years ago I began a journey of self-discovery. I spent more time alone than I ever have to learn about myself, other people, noting what I liked and disliked. I explored destinations alone and reflected in a new journal every month. Pages upon pages were written trying to connect the dots of who I used to be to who I am now. I am told that only a small percentage of people are self-aware. I yearned to be a part of that group. The more I discovered about myself the more I became intentional in my choices resulting in more peace and joy than I knew before. If you are at a similar place in life where you just ache to be more of who you are here are a few things that might help.

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Valentine's Day Stay At Home Outfit and Date Ideas

Can you believe it’s almost February? Goodness! This month has been amazing but flying by quickly. I don’t know about you, but these days I spend a good amount of time cocooning at home. I travel so much that when I’m home, I’m home. One thing that really helps my mental health is having my home in order and full of things that bring a smile to my heart - fresh flowers, my vintage ashtray that holds a deck of pink playing cards from Rosemary Beach, and soft cozy throw blankets. Lighting a single candle on my coffee table or flipping through a stack of interior design magazines are little joys that make it perfect for a cold, rainy day. When you find the right person, snuggling up in the cocoon of a home makes it even better. Here are a few ways to make a stay-at-home date night perfect this Valentine’s Day!

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An Afternoon Spread to Remember

Many of us wait for the big things in life - weddings, school dances, new jobs, or moving to feel the excitement. This past year taught me so much about learning to appreciate everyday moments. Last weekend my daughter and I decided to do just that. We decided to have a spread like none other to celebrate absolutely nothing. Grabbing a variety of non-dairy cheeses, gluten-free crackers, dark sea salt caramel chocolates, fruits and olives paired with the most delicious sparkling cider and non-alcoholic wine to create the best snack ever (those were her words).

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An Afternoon of Unwinding to Get Your Glow Back

If you are currently feeling constant pressure, it’s time to put a boundary in your life for you. You have to refill your cup before you can fill others. You have to slow down, get rest, read books for fun, put your thoughts on paper, practice good skincare and treat yourself to a day for you. You may be sitting here reading this and think, I wouldn’t even know what to do with myself if I had a day. Start small, carve out time for you to take a bath each night after kids go to bed. Get up a little bit earlier so you can read a book that puts you in a good mental place. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy… so give yourself a little play time. You’ll be able to take care of your responsibilities with a renewed sense of energy and focus. You’ll be able to love on your family better and you’ll be able to recognize when something isn’t a healthy choice in your life. Go ahead and treat yo’self!

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The Magic of Reading

Since I was a little girl books provided me an escape. We moved a lot growing up because my dad was in the military and spent tons of time in transit. I remember being six years old and when we arrived in Germany we had three tv channels that spoke English. Similarly when I was in High School we moved to Asia and there was limited tv. My sister and I grew up playing countless hours of board games and dolls together but when we were exhausted from that I would sneak of to my room and pull out a good book. Hard back binding and crisp pages with printed lettering took me away from the concrete walls of military housing and provided an outlet for my imagination. To this day, whenever I feel lost or down I pull out my favorite books and am instantly transported out of my current environment.

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