Posts tagged Birdies
How to Get Your Glow Back

Are you feeling stuck? I understand. I’ve been there several times throughout my life. Sometimes I was facing a blockage that needed to be cleared and other times I had resistance. I’ve found one thing to be true in both situations. If you feel stuck, time to work on yourself. Look to your daily habits, what you are feeding yourself and how much joy you are experiencing. The thing is, we all get off track sometimes. We all have dips and valleys in life. It’s what makes the high points so pleasurable. If you are lacking glow right now, here are five ways to get it back. PS - I recently shared these on Facebook in a quick video!

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Postcards from Las Vegas

If there’s one city you know you will be worn out when you leave it, it’s Las Vegas, Nevada. Oh my goodness! I haven’t been there in a couple of years and let me tell you… this thirty-eight-year-old came back wiped out. The funny part is I just got back from round two and haven’t posted about either trip.

Over the past two months, I attended a couple of conferences. I was lucky enough to get a little time while I was out there to grab dinner and sightseeing. I had amazing lunch at Mon Ami Gabi and dinner at the Cafe Americano in the Paris. I stayed at the MGM Signature Grand which had suites for rooms and a giant jacuzzi tub in which I added the most amazing bath tea bag and fuzzies to it from the adorable shop downstairs.

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