Posts tagged Body Positivity
How to Improve Your Body Image

Years ago I struggled with having an unhealthy viewpoint of my body. I grew up in an environment where I was oftentimes criticized about my body shape by one of my major role models and was told things like… “you have full thighs,” “if you keep eating cheese you’ll be fat…”, and “your derrière is big.”

Looking back at my pictures I was NOT ever at any point overweight as a child but I did have a different body shape than my younger sister. Of course, I would be different, I’m adopted. However, the critical words I heard regularly throughout my childhood burned into my mind and shaped an unhealthy thinking pattern.

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Girl's Day in Salado While We Talk About Body Positivity

Last weekend we met in Salado, Texas at Greenfield Coffee to catch up and shoot these incredible dresses from friends at Wneedu on Amazon. They sent us each a dress to share with you! We both picked out our colors to fit our own personalities. I chose a bold leopard colorway and Tiffany went with a beautiful shade of deep mauve. Great style is available for everyone. No matter what your age or body type you have when you walk with confidence in your own skin a new sense of style seems to follow. That’s one of the things I love about our conversations!

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Being at Ease With Your Body

You deserve happiness. You deserve joy. You deserve to have a life filled with positivity. That’s the entire reason for my GLOW UP course which gives you a 60-day plan and a community of accountability partners to chat with as you continue to affirm yourself into your dream life!

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