Posts tagged Home Decor
Patio Decor 101

My family is originally from the deep south and porches are a thing for anyone who lives in Alabama. Although I call Texas home, there are a few things from my childhood I’ve carried over here, and having a porch to relax on is a necessity. I recently made a few updates to my patio to include DIY paper lantern outdoor light shades. You basically tie a few paper lanterns together with thread and hang over the ugly old light fixture. Also, a fantastic idea for a party! My outdoor sconces are pretty deepest into the porch, so I’m not worried about wind damage. I went ahead and put together a few tips for decorating your patio!

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How to Be More of Who You Are

For years I tried on different lifestyles trying to figure out which one was mine. I tried being the housewife, the adventurer, the breadwinner, the holistic momma, the corporate go-getter, and much more. I needed to go through an elimination process to figure out what I wasn’t before defining what I would be. I think that’s okay. Not all of us come out of the womb knowing our life path. Four years ago I began a journey of self-discovery. I spent more time alone than I ever have to learn about myself, other people, noting what I liked and disliked. I explored destinations alone and reflected in a new journal every month. Pages upon pages were written trying to connect the dots of who I used to be to who I am now. I am told that only a small percentage of people are self-aware. I yearned to be a part of that group. The more I discovered about myself the more I became intentional in my choices resulting in more peace and joy than I knew before. If you are at a similar place in life where you just ache to be more of who you are here are a few things that might help.

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How to Design a Colorful Open Living Room and Floorplan

I have been dying to share with you guys my living room for some time now! I moved into this house over the summer and life has been a blur ever since. I did an insane amount of travel the past six months and am finally spending some time at home. I actually decorated the living room right when I moved in, but I didn’t love the layout. After the Christmas decor was finally put away mid-month I configured a better layout for the space. Sometimes you need to spend time in a space to really see the best way for it to be used. I’ve been making it a point to paint more often and finally added a newly finished painting above the TV and entertainment wall. It’s been so therapeutic to play around with color when I’m home. I’ll share a few tips about creating a colorful living room of your own. Not a single new item (outside of the canvas for the painting) was purchased for this space. I actually used things from my last apartment which was very modern and chic - you can see them here for yourself. I added pops of color throughout the space to give this huge open floorplan character. One last thing before we get started, I made no structural or textile changes to any of the surfaces. All tips below are perfect whether you are renting a home or you are a homeowner!

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