Posts tagged Park Lane Jewelry
Making Magical Moments

When this blog was initially created, I set out to share the magic that happened in my life on a daily basis. I had no idea at the blog would become my life story a decade later. I seek every single day to find magical moments. Life is busy. There’s so much happening. Slowing down in the mornings and evenings has given me the ability to discover more magic. Sometimes it’s how the sky lights up at sunset on a walk with the cool breeze blowing across the grass. Sometimes it’s the light wind rustling in trees and the way they look like pieces of lace overlapping one another against a blue background. Sometimes it’s the giggles of my daughter or the jokes we make on our drives together. Seeking magic every day is what makes life sweeter. Here are a few ways to make each day special…

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Patio Decor 101

My family is originally from the deep south and porches are a thing for anyone who lives in Alabama. Although I call Texas home, there are a few things from my childhood I’ve carried over here, and having a porch to relax on is a necessity. I recently made a few updates to my patio to include DIY paper lantern outdoor light shades. You basically tie a few paper lanterns together with thread and hang over the ugly old light fixture. Also, a fantastic idea for a party! My outdoor sconces are pretty deepest into the porch, so I’m not worried about wind damage. I went ahead and put together a few tips for decorating your patio!

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How to Blog: Five Steps to Getting Started

I’m going to be sharing more content around how to start a blog! A few weeks ago, I created the first post in this series and share five ways to make money blogging. Today’s topic is going to build on the next step in creating your blog. You’ll need to do some basics like choosing a platform, registering a domain name, and setting up social accounts. Don’t worry, all bloggers got started doing the same thing you are doing right now. Use this blog post as a checklist and schedule time in your calendar to complete each task. Before you know it, you’ll be posting in no time!

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