Posts tagged Port Aransas
Weekend Guide to Port Aransas and Corpus Christi

If you are looking for your next Texas vacation then you need to check out Port Aransas! Nestled on the Texas Gulf Coast between Galveston and N Padre Island is the charming island and beach town called Port Aransas. Filled with pastel shops, stores, and restaurants this makes the perfect family vacation! I spent a couple of days here and put together a weekend guide for you guys! From Instagram spots to a restaurant that has presidential history, here is a guide to spending the weekend in Port Aransas and the neighboring city Corpus Christi.

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Weekend Getaway: What I’m Packing

The past 6 months I have traveled every few weeks somewhere for the weekend. Work, events, and campaigns have taken me all over the place. When you are in a constant travel mode you get accustomed to having some sort of system to pack or you won’t know your right from your left hand. I’ve curated a list of must-haves for most of my trips regardless of the climate. I recommend always bringing something for warm weather (places heat up) and something for cold weather (cold fronts happen). I’ve written a bunch of posts over the years on packing here but today I’m going to focus on classic items you can bring for your next weekend getaway.

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Rain Proof Outfits on Amazon

It’s approaching that time of year in Texas when the thunderstorms will be rolling in regularly. Late Winter and Early Spring include weather that fluctuates on an hourly basis sometimes. Having a raincoat and boots handy for those drizzly mornings or evenings makes leaving the house that much more enjoyable. I find that rain gear is something I don’t think about needing until the moment I really need it. And then it’s like I needed it yesterday. This is your sign to do a quick inventory in your household and make sure you have working umbrellas, rain jackets, and boots ready for those March, April, and May showers. Open each umbrella to make sure it’s operable and then discard or donate items that no longer fit or have been damaged. Trust me on this, you’re much more likely to be productive if you don’t have to fight the weather while doing so. A few other things I like to have on hand for rainy days include extra hair ties or a headband, mousse to keep frizzies at bay, and a setting spray for my makeup. It’s the little things in life that can help increase the quality of every day.

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15 Date Ideas for Valentine's Day That Will Spark Joy in Your Relationship

Gosh, I love the ocean. I have to say out of all of the places I lived and visited in my lifetime, I feel most at home when I’m near the ocean. There’s something so soothing and powerful about the water. The waves hold so much force as they push and pull against the grains of sand on the shore. Soft powdery sand that feels like you walking on powdered sugar makes for the best walks. The sunsets are unbelievable and when a storm rolls in…well, as frightening as they are - they also carry so much strength. Today I’m going to share a whole bunch of date ideas, but if you are single… I want you to know it’s okay to do any (or all of these) activities by yourself and show yourself some love. I say that because some of my best memories of my happy place were spent in times of solitude. Valentine’s Day whether you’re in a relationship or not is a day to celebrate love. A day to bring forth self-love and care if you are single. Here’s a word for all the single ladies on valentine’s day if you are looking for some ideas on how to spend your time! Highly recommend some of the tips here! If you are in a couple, I challenge you to take time over the next week to figure out a way to show your partner that you adore them. Brainstorm a few ideas and make the event special. The effort will be worth it!

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Anxiety Relief and Utilizing a Coping Checklist

Mental health. I’m so glad this topic has been on the rise especially since the pandemic hit. Now more than ever more and more people need resources. My anxiety journey began about 10 years ago. Through a series of trials, errors, and lots of therapy I am now able to manage panic attacks and anxiety without medication. This post is in no way meant to replace medical advice. If you are struggling I absolutely recommend seeking professional help. Today I’d like to share a resource I use in my own mental health toolkit called a “Coping Checklist.” I’m going to share with you guys a few benefits of having one and the science behind it, how to create one, and when to use it. The biggest key in your coping checklist is to use it as soon as you feel anxiety come on. The more you go through the sequence the easier the panic becomes to manage.

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Winter Whites

I love drawing inspiration from nature, and this includes the shades of snow that fall this time of year. Although Texas only gets snow on occasion, I still find myself drawn to the beautiful shades of cream and winter white. It’s been on rotation in the closet these past few weeks. For this look, I paired a cream-colored cardigan (that has the sweetest collar) and a fluffy white jacket (similar one here) to create a neutral but not boring look. I paired it with my favorite pair of jeans (that I have in multiple washes) and knee-high tan boots that are under $50!! You could top this look with a camel-colored coat and scarf if you live in a colder environment! I rounded up a ton of my favorite winter white options below!

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