Posts tagged Purpose
Under Construction

The title and location of this post is fitting for where I stand right now in life. I’m in between to eras of my life leaving tons of room for growth and opportunity while discarding situations that no longer serve my purpose in life. Being under construction is interesting to say the least - kind of demmoralizing when you are building and revamping a new life. Are any of you in the same place? Not quite moved into your new life, but you’ve left the old one? If so, then read on my friends! Here are a few ways I handling the transitional phase.

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Roses are Red

I mentioned a few days ago in my post with all the indigo Bluebonnets that Three Heel Clicks is now going to be also a resource for anxiety. One of the things I found about anxiety is that when you have a purpose it makes it a lot easier to glide it over the speed bumps of anxiety. So today I’m gonna share a little bit with you about a big piece of how I went from having constant panic attacks and living in a world of chaos to a clear, focused mindset

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On the Brink of a New Horizon

Our world shifted and shifted fast a few weeks ago. It dawned on me that this shift is creating what we might call a new horizon. While we are all boarded up practicing sheltering-in-place, I thought it would be an incredible opportunity to address topics like self worth, confidence building, empowering others, anxiety and overcoming fear. With uncertainty compounding daily, I aim to offer an outlet for those of you who are looking for coping techniques and support during these unexpected times.

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When is it Enough?

Today’s topic is heavy, but necessary after I realized that even the biggest and most successful people struggle with this issue: The Issue of Not Being Good Enough. I was watching the gorgeous Taylor Swift yesterday as she narrates her documentary on fame, success and her own journey through life’s toughest moments in front of millions of people. Heck - Taylor reaches billions at this point. Throughout the course of the film she shares issues with having an eating disorder, mental challenges, loneliness and the struggles of reaching the top. Needless to say I was pretty moved at three pm sitting on my sofa and tearing up like a gigantic baby. She’s right. All of those are real issues and they share a single common denominator: self-worth.

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