Posts tagged Self-Care
Bump Edition: What I Experienced My First Trimester

First and foremost, I wanted to begin by thanking all of you for your sweet comments and encouragement. Each DM and comment you leave has truly filled my heart and I’m so thankful for you. The past couple of months have been beautiful and have also been a little bit of a roller coaster. We found out very early on in July that we were pregnant and it was a true shock for both Marshall and I. We are in our late thirties (I am 38 years old) and I did not see this coming. You can read more about our pregnancy announcement in this post but I wanted to share more insights for what I’ve actually been going through. It wasn’t easy. This is now my second pregnancy (I have a beautiful 14-year-old daughter) and it has been drastically different than the first time around.

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What You Really Should Be Doing With 5 Minutes

Yes, you heard me. This boss babe right here is intentionally going slower in life. For the first time, ever. I’ve put extra time in between tasks. I’ve taken things off my to-do list. I’ve spent the last few months asking myself what is really important. I’ve gone inward to figure out my priorities. I’ve taken tons of time to journal, reflect and pray. The thing I’ve learned is that we can become addicted to anything including activity. Next time you are wondering what you should be doing with an extra five minutes? Breathe. Yep. Sit down and take 5 minutes to just breathe. I promise your entire life will change from implementing this one tactic. Your heart rate will be calmer. Your thoughts will be clearer. You will feel less rushed. You will be recharged.

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Popping in to Remind You to Glow Up

If I’m not doing at least the above, then it’s hard for me to be focused. I clean up my environment and raise my vibes. It’s not always easy and sometimes it takes reminders and alarms on my phone to get all the things done. The truth is, we are all human and we need a little help sometimes. That’s exactly why I created Glow Up. It’s a two-day course that will help you get a 60-day plan together. I show you how to do all of the above in a way that works for you!

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Glow Up Course Launching on 10/10

It will include how to get your glow back through a variety of methods - nourishing, rest, affirmation, and more. You will walk away with a better outlook and tools to help you roll into the holidays with your inner glow! Cannot wait to see you there

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