Baby Blue

Top: LC Lauren Conrad (cream one here and short sleeve version here) // Jeans: Celebrity Pink // Flats: LC Lauren Conrad // Umbrella: Esprit (similar here)

Texas is really so pretty in the Springtime. Our days start off cool enough in the mornings for a lightweight sweater or long sleeved blouse. I try to get as much exercise in during these months since as the Summer progresses, our temperatures will soar. I awoke a few weekends ago and threw on this baby blue blouse over a pair of cropped jeans and headed out for a misty morning.

I've shared my love for how to dress in the rain in the past, but today I found the pop of blue pastel stood out against the green earth. As much as I love having a gigantic umbrella to peek out from... carry a collapsible one is sometimes more practical (check out this and this printed one). My best go to hair when the weather doesn't want to cooperate is a simple halo or french braid. It's so easy to just get get my hair off my face and not worry about if it's having a "mind of it's own."

Being comfortable in every activity you participate in is a key to feeling good in your own skin. There were many years I chose fashion over being practical, but these days if I'm not at least comfortable... it's just not happening. I tend to wear flats more than heels now, and always have a scarf or a sweater for the days I'm chilly.

That's also translated to my bag choice. If I'm shopping, I opt for a tote or crossbody so I can carry things or be completely hands free. If I am going to dinner I usually grab a clutch. If I'm at work, most of the time I wear a satchel. Bags are so important to me because they allow me to feel like I'm bringing everything I need for the day and I'm prepared. I like being organized, so I've found that if I separate things into smaller pouches, then my items are roaming around in the bottom of my purse.

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