5 on Fridays - Five Skin Loving Actions to do Before You Take a Flight

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Today’s 5 on Fridays includes my skincare preparation for flying and traveling to dry climates. One of the upsides of living in Houston is that we have humidity that moisturizes our skin. my skin tends to stay on the dry side, but when I’m in the Southern humidity I have to do much less in the way of moisturizing. Well, month over month I travel and the dry air on the plane combined with the lack of fresh air really can take a toll on skin. I mentioned yesterday I do not wear makeup on flights, but put it on at the end or once I land. During the flight I take great precaution in making sure I give it the best care I can. Here are five skin loving actions to do before you take a flight:

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Start by hydrating inside out

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again but the first step in good skincare is to drink enough water. Not coffee, not sodas, not juice, straight up water. Try different brands until you find one you like. I’m less picky about my water. Seriously, love drinking the tap water at my home in Cypress but on the road I usually opt for bottled so I know it’s from a clean source. The body is made up of 70% water and we constantly deplete ourselves from movement, weather, and just living. If I have a morning flight I make it a point drink about 33 oz of water starting 12 hours before. Then, when I get through security I either refill an empty bottle or purchase the largest one I can for the flight.

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Use a moisturizing mask the night before

Masks give your skin what it needs on a deeper level than your typical routine. I use a variety of different masks (see this post) 3 or more times a week depending on what my skin needs, but before a flight I’m looking to hydrate. Try a sheet mask to conserve space. I like bringing a couple along with me so I can continue my skincare routine while on the go. The single serving packaging is not only convenient but practical. If you have a mask in a jar you prefer, buy a little container and bring along a sample of it for your trip.

Cover your whole body in lotion

It’s easy to forget about the body but after your shower take the time to layer on lotion for your whole body. I usually use the hotel’s lotion selection as long as it doesn’t irritate my skin but if I am looking for major moisturizer this one from Nivea is phenomenal. Especially, if you are going to a tropical climate like Hawaii or the coast. Your body is extra exposed to rays and the heat can take a toll. Before you even leave your hometown make sure you cover every inch of your body and throughout your trip.

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Pay special attention to the eye area

Who wants to look fatigued at the end of flight when you arrive at your final destination ready to take a new adventure on? Defintely not me! I make sure to be extremely diligent about undereye care to reduce puffiness, dark circles and fatigued eyes. Bring eye drops and an eye treatment. I really like this one from 100% Pure which is non-toxic and cruelty free. You can also use Neutragena’s hydro-boost for extra moisture if you want to grab something from your local drugstore. Both are winners in my opinion.

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Slather on a moisture rich cream or gel to soothe the face

Once you’ve cleansed and applied a hydrating mask then add a moisturizing facial cream or gel to lock in all of those nutrients. Skin tends to produce more bad oils when we don’t moisturize then our pores get clogged. I am now on my second bottle of this cooling gel that feels amazing (even with a sunburn) from Garnier. The best part? It’s such a great value at under $10 a jar.

Well, there you have it! Five ways to prepare that skin for less than ideal conditions. Grab your sleeping eye mask and a good chapstick then put those earbuds in to kick back on your flight. Use it as an opportunity to relax before you arrive at your final destination.

Do you guys have tricks for keeping your skin looking great during flights? If so, I’d love to hear!

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