Making Magic Happen on the Lawn


I began writing Three Heel Clicks eight years ago with the intention of sharing everyday magical moments with you guys. Over the course of the years I realize that not only has this become a passion of mine but it has quickly become my purpose. I empower, uplift and inspire others to live their best life in the best way that they know how. For me, that means having picnic out on the line for a little magic on a Tuesday evening like I did tonight. After a few cloudy days it was delightful to watch the sun cast its golden glow upon the Earth.


Last week I shared a recipe on how to make an heirloom tomato tart which you can check out from this post when I had dinner on the patio. I needed a change of scenery back then too so outside I went for another meal. Funny how we are dealing with this pandemic. Taking time to create a scene for a meal is a delightful way to enjoy the evening. I took an apple and sliced thinly. Then, layered cream cheese and the apples slices over the puff pastry creating the most delicious apple tart. Bake for 15-20 minutes until warm and golden! Easy peasy!


I also took time to put on a little makeup which has been part of my evening routine everyday. I freshen up for dinner and change my clothes for evening activities. Some nights I go on an extra long walk, other nights it’s crime documentaries on Netflix. Either way, changing my clothes signals day is over and it’s time for evening and a long wrap dress is perfect for the evening. Plus this one is a total steal under $25!! I wore peach eyeshadow and golden tones to play off the outfit. Think about your makeup being a part of the whole look just like a pair of earrings. I topped it all off with a swipe of peachy coral lipstick.


As the weeks continue to crawl by I challenge you to find something magical to do everyday. Maybe that’s take a pink bubble bath. Maybe it’s baking a homemade pie and eating it on the front porch at sunset. Almost any activity can become an adventure when you pay attention to it!! You simply have to be intentional about making it beautiful and memorable.

What are you going to do today to create a little magic in your life?