Transformation is an Inside Job


Transformation is an inside job. You can have, be or do anything in life. Often people think if I had a better home, or relationship or life I’d be a better person or at least a happier person... I know I did... But happiness can’t come from exterior circumstances. True joy is a process that starts from the inside. I learned this over the past three years of my life. Two years ago to this month I had my very first psychiatrist visit after a series of panic attacks that wouldn’t subside. I remember walking into that office and wanting answers to many questions I had about what I was feeling.


It was really tough to start peeling back years of stuffing things down. I learned in the Fall of 2018 that I had not only Panic Disorder but OCD. I’ve been opening up a lot more about both of these mental health conditions (or superpowers as I like to think of them these days), but to give you a little background we’d have to rewind to about eight years ago. I was rushed to the emergency room only to find I was having a panic attack and told everything was fine. I struggled as many do with anxiety. I thought a glass of wine would calm my nerves. I thought I had to be better and perfect this the way I try to perfect everything else which is absurd and unattainable. By thirty years old I started digging in a little deeper and trying to figure out more about this anxiety thing I was diagnosed with. I began making improvements but a series of a few events sent me back into a negative spiral. I began thinking really negatively and I had a lot of negative self talk. Many of the positive habits I put into my life I broke away from and ended up getting caught up in unhealthy habits.


By 2018 I was ready for any sort of change that would improve how I felt. I was willing and ready to accept I needed to change. Although therapy helped during this time I look back and realize that the transformation I experienced was the result of daily looking inward. Daily examination of what I was feeding my mind, body and soul. By 2019 someone reached out to me about working in the beauty industry. Let me tell you… I DID NOT FEEL PRETTY AT THE TIME. I felt like I was a mess trying to survive. But I had hope and a lot faith in this person’s ability to lead. So I joined a network marketing company and started working on healing myself. My skin was in terrible condition and I definitely was not in the kind of shape I am today. I started slinging mascara like the one picture - still hands down the best waterproof mascara I’ve EVER used! I started hydrating, working out, masking with amazing non-toxic products like this hydration mask, and sleeping.


Something pretty magical happens when you work on your heart and soul ... it ends up affecting the mind and body. Suddenly you can do things you never thought were possible... like for me - 9 miles on a torn meniscus in my knee would NEVER have been my workout before... now it’s my normal. Your body can take on more when you have a good mindset. When you put habits in place, the other things fall in alignment too. And then something else magical happens... your body also reflects what has been going on inside your heart for much longer. My heart yearned to be loved and I realized when I gave myself that love it was reflected on my exterior. I am currently in the best shape I’ve ever been in. I no longer have to be perfect. I just have to take another day of baby steps in the right direction.

So go ahead... show up today and take one magical baby step in the right direction - I BELIEVE you can! PS - it’s a great time to pick up swimsuits on clearance and winter beauty must haves like this Hydration Mask. Hope you enjoy your Labor Day!