Posts tagged Youology
Anti-aging Skincare for Autumn

This year I turned 35! Yes, I know… hard to believe I’m closer to 40 than 30 these days. With age comes many factors like fine lines, discoloration and even dreaded wrinkles. To combat some of this I’ve been incorporating new anti-aging products into my skincare routine. Every few months I like to switch things up in my regimen as the seasons change. As Fall and Winter approach our typical humid and hot climate is replaced with cooler, drier and windier weather. In my twenties and even early thirties I used to use whatever cleanser I could find that was reasonable and slap on a mask whenever I remembered to expecting glowing skin to emerge. Now I know better. Great skin requires a solid regimen and healthy lifestyle! Here are a few products and tips for glowing skin whether you are in your twenties or sixties!

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Transformation is an Inside Job

Transformation is an inside job. You can have, be or do anything in life. Often people think if I had a better home, or relationship or life I’d be a better person or at least a happier person... I know I did... But happiness can’t come from exterior circumstances. True joy is a process that starts from the inside. I learned this over the past three years of my life. Two years ago to this month I had my very first psychiatrist visit after a series of panic attacks that wouldn’t subside. I remember walking into that office and wanting answers to many questions I had about what I was feeling.

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Your Skin Needs This Every Five Days

Did you know that your skin sheds cells once every five days? If you do remove the dead skin cells off your face every five days your skin becomes dull over time and this leads to aging and acne. Exfoliating doesn’t have to be a big deal - just throw on a mask while you are making coffee or folding a load of laundry. But the importance of a regular exfoliation regimen is a BIG DEAL. Clear skin, healthy glowing skin requires maintain with and upkeep. Let’s chat about a few ways exfoliation helps your skin.

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24 Hour Valentine's Day Flash Sale to Pamper Your Loved One

Wow! January is quickly drawing to an end and I don’t know about you but I can’t believe Valentine’s Day is just two weeks away. First of all, I am going to start this post off by sharing that if you are single I HIGHLY recommend buying yourself a gift for Valentine’s Day. Last year, I shared a post for all of the single ladies out there on Valentine’s day which you can read here. But, go ahead. Treat yo’self!

Now let’s talk about gifts! First of all, some of these items can easily be gifted for him or her. All products are non-toxic and great for teens or aging skin! Just figured you’d like those facts before taking the time to browse.

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