Five Ways to Change Your Flow

Top: Suukksess // Jeans: Shewin // Shoes: Jenn Ardor // Earrings: Pavoi // Purse: Amazon Find

As we get to the end of January, I realize it’s been a little bit of a tough month for a lot of us. As the new year approached, I was feeling an urge to switch things up. I recently shared in this post it was just time for change. Although the new year has new goals, themes, and milestones planned… I really struggled with thought patterns. Instead of ruminating or brooding, I found myself aching for mental change. Change your environment and you will find that new energy flows. I learned this concept back in Interior Design school and studied Feng Shui. Energy is everywhere and when we need to make a mental or emotional change, look to change the environment. Today I’m sharing five ways to change your daily flow which will, in turn, change your mindset.

New Morning Routine

The first change I made this month was the morning routine. Instead of rushing out of bed, I sat down and talked with the hubby and shared I needed more sleep. I wanted to lower cortisol levels and jumping out of bed was making it spike. We got on the same page and he decided the mornings would be his with the baby and I would take a few minutes to get some extra sleep after breastfeeding all night. Now I get up and get myself dressed with light makeup and a little 10 minutes on my hair. Then, I change my clothes and make us lattes. Usually, by that time our baby needs another feeding so I immediately take care of that. The result has been a calmer morning (most days). I feel ready to go and put together for the day.

Wardrobe Makeover

I’ve been fascinated with the Color Anaylsis theory and recently decided to weed out colors that don’t work for me. I’m a Bright Spring who can easily pull colors from the Warm Spring Palette. I tend to look best in really saturated, vibrant hues that are on the warmer side. I decided to cull my wardrobe and pull out anything muted. It was a quick discard and now leaves room for my favorite pieces to shine. Highly recommend getting a color analysis done if you haven’t. I found this app was really easy to use and gives a lot of options for outfit inspo.

Reorganize Your Bedroom

I started down the path to make our bedroom a sanctuary last Fall. After purchasing a few dressers and new bedding I found our room started feeling a little bit better. I had a few prints made of our pregnancy and got them framed. Although the space was a huge improvement I felt like it still needed more work. I did some rearranging again this weekend to make it flow and am working on new art to change the feel of the space. I found when designing a bedroom, it sometimes is trial and error to get it right. Think about adding plants, flowers, and maybe new art for a change!

Change Your Hair

My sweet friend Emma whom I see for Reiki shared with me that changing your hair can signal a new life transformation. For months I’ve been pinning deeper hair tones after being bright blonde for years. I am naturally a dirty blonde color that waivers between a dark blonde and light brown. I sit in that weird space of hair that was a cotton top as a kid but cannot pull off a really dark brown. I went ahead and pulled the trigger and did a 6N to give myself a fresh look. I feel like it’s made me look a few years younger and I’ve been loving the change.

New Hobbies

I’ve always been a big fan of hobbies. When I’m not working or taking care of my family I’m usually still busy with something. Over the years I’ve picked up baking, photography, blogging, painting and a wide variety of crafts. For Christmas this year I asked for power tools - specifically a circular and miter saw. My dad came through and got me a few pieces. After that I trotted over and picked up wood, saw horses and safety gear. I’ll be starting the project of making shelving for our garage. Then, a new cabinet for our drinks and potions/tinctures and several other home projects. Giving the mind a new place to visit can make all the difference in mental health.

As January draws to an end, I am going to spend time in gratitude for the changes that are taking place. I’m rediscovering life after having a baby and newly married. Sometimes change is really hard, but I’m thankful for the supportive family and husband I have as I embark on this new era. What changes are you planning on making this year?

-XOXO, Crystal

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