Posts tagged Confidence
Sparkle From Within

Sometimes we don’t need a long blog post, we just need a quick reminder and that’s just what I’m here to do for you. Remind you that you were created for something purposeful. You were created to shine a light on this world. You were created to shine. So go now…shine bright like a diamond.

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Shedding Baggage and Layering Confidence

Last week I attended a virtual yoga class and something incredible was said to me as we prepared to begin the session, Fall is a time for shedding things that no longer serve you. A time to discard baggage so you can bloom in the Spring. I realized in that moment I’ve been carrying a few emotional things for far too long and it was time to let them go. I believe the change of the seasons is a chance for us to develop and grow into higher versions of ourselves. Fall is when leaves drop and turn into warm golden tones. Fall is when the days shift to cooler and shorter. It’s a time to start moving indoors and harvest for the Winter. As I look to nature to draw inspiration I am reminded that Fall is also the time to evaluate what I need to clear out of my life to make room for growth in the future.

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