Posts tagged Fitness Style
The Ultimate Designer Sneaker Guide

Let’s be honest, we wear these babies more often than we’d like to admit. Everyone has their go-to style. I personally love a good pair of blush-colored sneakers. In the past I’ve worn this retro pair, these and these I really want! Although I’m not huge on the sneaker trend, I will tell you I wear them often since I work out every day. I love being able to also swap my hiking boots out for trails that require less shoe stability. Here are a few of my favorites and you can shop all of my picks below!

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Back to School Sneakers

With all the hype of kids going back to school, it’s the perfect time to grab a pair of new sneakers. I try to refresh my athleisure twice a year (usually Spring and Fall) discarding anything worn or that no longer fits and adding in a few new pieces. Recently I bought a few things to include new leggings (same fit as the ones you are seeing in this pic just in a powder light pink), sneakers, and this adorable top from my friends over at Off the Grid. Sneakers are something you want to change out as soon as they start getting worn. Your feet are imperative as vehicles to get around and worn shoes lead to backaches and injuries. I love the look of these old-school New Balance ones. In fact, I had the same pair in college and wore them until they were no longer in good condition.

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Meet My New Personal Trainer

Back in June, I realized I was getting bored with my workout routine. Every few months I try to switch things up or I find that I don’t push myself to workout daily. My go-to is to walk or run but I felt like in the heat of Texas summer that was even a stretch to do. Just about that time my friend Courtney reached out and offered for me to try her workout program. I told her immediately I was down! At this point, I could benefit from accountability and a new routine. I’ve been going through the workouts the past five weeks and not only have I seen muscle tone, I’ve also noticed my strength improved! She’s offering 50% off to all of my friends who register through noon tomorrow using this link so I had to pop on and give you all of the details to the program.

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Fitness is a Mindset

I’m sure you’ve heard this phrase before but MINDSET IS EVERYTHING. Whether you think you can or can’t, you are right. I wish I could tell my younger self this. The mind is so powerful and when you are on a fitness journey it will take a mental push to hit your goals. A few months ago I began running. For the first time in my life at age 35 I decided to start and just work my way up to 30 minutes. Each day I showed up and just did it. I pushed myself a little harder and a little harder by adding a minute or two on. Before I knew it I was at two and three miles. A month later I decided to begin training for a 10k.

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Escape to Nature

The past six weeks of my life have been filled with mostly work and taking care of my daughter. Sometimes it’s necessary to grind when you have a big goal you are going after. I’m currently working on saving enough money to purchase a home in cash and that requires a daily focus unlike anything I’ve ever done before. This week my energy was all around low. I was going to bed tired, awaking tired, and feeling tired most days. I knew right then it was time to break away from work and business building and escape to nature for a little renewal of the soul. I grabbed my dog, a few snacks, a thermos of iced coffee and set out to hit up one of our national parks. When I arrived, I was greeted with underbrush fires and immediately decided to turn around and find something else I could visit that was a safer situation. Washington-on-the-Brazos was the perfect location. It’s a beautiful 3.5 mile trek on our state’s birthplace. The perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

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Six Week BBG Transformation

About six weeks ago I started using the @sweat app. I noticed my activity was lower and so was my mood. I lacked motivation and also kept getting cluster headaches. After talking to my therapist, she suggested I try adding HIIT into my workout routine. I am a very busy mom who works full-time, homeschools and runs a beauty business online. I have very little time or mental space to figure out a manageable routine. I decided after browsing a few black Friday sales to give BBG another try. For the past three years I’ve used the app during the Fall and Winter months to get my heartrate up during shorter days where a long walk just wasn’t possible. The workouts are really simple and it feels like I have a personal trainer on my phone! If you are looking to refresh your workout routine for the new year and want something effective I HIGHLY RECOMMEND TRYING THIS APP! Here are details about my results over the past six weeks.

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Let's Talk Health and Fitness for the Holidays

Thanksgiving is a few weeks away and if you are anything like me you are already dreaming of all of the delicious dishes that will be served. I thought it was appropriate for us to have a quick discussion about health and fitness before diving into the high calorie season. You don’t have to stick to a strict diet all season. You don’t have to jump onto a crazy workout regimen. You can actually enjoy the holidays, move your body and keep the weight off with simple strategies. I’ve found over the years a few things have helped me stay in shape while enjoying all of the amazing foods our holiday traditions provide.

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Happily Ever After

Two years ago I gained weight. Sigh - there I said it (you can scroll to the bottom for a before and after pic). That was a big one for me to let out. I’m very much a perfectionist in a lot of ways. It’s a tough attribute to deal with because no matter how hard I try - it’s impossible for me to attain perfection. I wasn’t just overweight either. I was depressed and anxious at the same time. Can we say double-whammy? I didn’t want to drive anywhere due to panic attacks. I was constantly walking around in a foggy gloom. I wondered if this was all there was to life… I had this corporate job I was frustrated being apart of because I didn’t feel like I made a difference. I didn’t fit in with any of the suburban moms. My friends were married and had multiple kids. I lacked purpose, discernment and everything felt really complicated.

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Body Positivity and Mental Health Fitness Plan

I’ve been sharing lately about mental health on my facebook and instagram feeds. I realize that between COVID, Black Lives Matter, hurricanes and fires… our mental health is more important than ever. Last week we discussed how transformation is an inside job and turning setbacks into comebacks. Today’s topic is a little more action oriented. So sit down, take a few notes and my goal is for you to walk away with a few things you will implement today. Remember a plan without action is just a dream. Let’s make your dreams reality.

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