An Autumn To Remember


This season is one to remember in many ways. I am filled with gratitude as I write these word sitting cross legged on my couch. My new couch for that matter. About a month ago I was attending an online yoga class and the instructor talked about how shedding baggage during Fall. You can read more about that concept in this post, but I realized I had some emotional baggage that I just needed to let go. Guess what? As soon as I let those things go that no longer served me in life I was able to make room for more gratitude. With gratitude comes joy. What no longer served me was relinquished so that I could have mental space to enjoy what was right in front of me.


Several things shifted over this past month. I started seeing how I had more creativity to photograph and write content. I woke up earlier without an alarm clock. I also awoke with less pain in my neck, back, and hips. Did you know that tension in those areas is actually a sign that you are struggling with something mentally or emotionally? Now problems still arise on occasion, but I have to tell you I no longer view them as the problems I once had. In perspective, things look more like obstacles and it’s my job to figure out how to maneuver around them or go over them. I look at most situations that are obnoxious as just that… something annoying I’ll have to deal with. I talked about this in a previous post about living Happily Ever After but if you change your mindset you’ll change everything else.


Another thing that shifted was how others viewed me. No longer was I someone in constant panic but someone who glowed. Yep, crazy right? Can you imagine those around you telling you how happy you look and that you glow? Two years ago this NEVER happened. Now it happens regularly. I was talking with my mentor this morning and I shared with her how much she impacted this process. I also shared that Facebook memories keep popping up and how much different I am from this time last year. She said to me, “Look at growth - hard to see in the process.” She is always a woman of very few words and they are always incredibly wise. I am thankful God placed guides in my life like her to share how to get to this place.


Moving into the Winter season, the busy time of the year I aim to share this gratitude and love with those around me. From kinder words and more compassion to giving back to the community. I’ve been blessed throughout this process by many and it’s important for me to share not hold on to. I’ve already begun meditating on a few words like abundance, compassion and gratitude.

As for the current season, well I’m going to continue to have more days like this one where I took a short trip to Navasota, TX which is a historic small town near where I currently live. I spent a quiet weekend morning roaming around and capturing vignettes and nooks around the little downtown square. I had coffee at the Classic Rock Cafe and by the way they have the BEST iced pumpkin spiced latte I’ve tried period. It’s so good! I had mine with oat milk. Doing what makes us joyful helps us create and share a life with purpose. Go do the things that bring you inner joy. Multiply that feeling and I bet you’ll find joy increases overall in your life.


For my outfit, you can shop below - I love this pair of button front jeans. I paired with a classic Ralph Lauren cotton button up, flat suede boots and floppy hat. Perfect for a Fall day in Texas. Add a bag with fringe for some western flair and you’re hands free all day!

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