Posts tagged Nature
Step by Step How I Ease Stress and Lower Anxiety

Sometimes I have to do a little reality check on myself. This week was one of those times. After a whirlwind of ten days of non-stop travel and then the joys of Thanksgiving I rolled right into this last week with fatigue. Not only fatigue, but my sister spent Friday getting a metal rod out of her leg in surgery. She had an injury five years ago and decided to get the hardware taken out this past week. I didn’t realize just how much all of these blessings would also add extra stressors into my life. I drove into Houston on Friday and let me tell you my anxiety was at an all-time high. Once I returned home I made a decision to do everything I could to clear my calendar for Saturday and just decompress. Anxiety never goes completely away, but I have managed these past few years to get it in a manageable state. I thought it would be wildly appropriate to share what I experience and how I cope with amounting pressure in hopes that it helps you, too.

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Escape to Nature

The past six weeks of my life have been filled with mostly work and taking care of my daughter. Sometimes it’s necessary to grind when you have a big goal you are going after. I’m currently working on saving enough money to purchase a home in cash and that requires a daily focus unlike anything I’ve ever done before. This week my energy was all around low. I was going to bed tired, awaking tired, and feeling tired most days. I knew right then it was time to break away from work and business building and escape to nature for a little renewal of the soul. I grabbed my dog, a few snacks, a thermos of iced coffee and set out to hit up one of our national parks. When I arrived, I was greeted with underbrush fires and immediately decided to turn around and find something else I could visit that was a safer situation. Washington-on-the-Brazos was the perfect location. It’s a beautiful 3.5 mile trek on our state’s birthplace. The perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

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Restoring Yourself in Nature This Season

Let’s go ahead and just start with how this post can benefit everyone. I mean EVERYONE right now. Whether you want to admit it or not COVID-19 forever changed us and being stuck inside all the time is rough. Currently, I work from home and homeschool my child with virtual learning. By the end of the week my routines feel monotonous and I have an itch to go explore. For most of this past year I’ve taken day trips to surrounding areas like antique shopping or exploring near by honey and lavender farms. Every time I get a chance to leave I come back feeling renewed. I gain inspiration that carries me through the coming days and weeks. My soul literally feels more joy. Last weekend my daughter and I took a trip to Cedar Park on the north side of Austin. Our activities included being mostly outside and socially distant. At the end of the weekend she said this hike in St. Edwards Park was the best thing we did. Whether you face nature alone or take your loved ones, getting a little lost in nature is often times the refresher we all need to get us through the stressful times.

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Bee Weaver Farm

This weekend was one of those magical moments I’ll remember for the rest of my life. Just filled with the best weather, activities, rest and joy. I believe in perfect timing in life. There is a time for everything. Sometimes we have periods of rough roads while other times are smooth sailing. This weekend was smooth sailing. A few years ago I noticed on my drives from Houston to College Station there was a little farm right outside of Navasota, TX. Usually I was traveling for overnight trips and had my dog with me so I never made the stop. Now that I live in College Station I decided to take a day trip out to the Honey Farm and check it out.

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