Posts tagged Style 22
All the Necessities to Treat Yourself This Valentine's Day

I cannot think of a better way of treating yourself this year than buying yourself a few things you may have been eyeing! After being a mom who struggled for YEARS giving herself time, energy and self-care I now make it one of the biggest priorities. I listen to my body and feel more than I ever have so I can make sure I take better care of myself. That includes getting myself little treats. Each year for my birthday I like to pick out a new handbag. When I am out Christmas shopping for others, I see no problem in grabbing something for myself, too. If you feel guilty every time you go to grab something that’s just for you or feel like it’s selfish - I’m here to tell you it’s not! You can help others, love on others, give to others and give to yourself. I wrote a post for all the Single Ladies on Valentine’s Day a few years ago and packed with self-care tips! I was actually in a relationship at the time but remembered what the year prior was like when I was single. It’s okay to take solo trips, buy a ridiculous thing for yourself or just spend some time alone. Remember, you have to live with yourself longer than anyone else so make sure to take care of yourself! Here are a few things I’ve personally treated myself to these past few months!

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