Fourth of July Style for the Pool

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Fourth of July is a special holiday for my family. I’ve mentioned many times over the years here on Three Heel Clicks that I was brought up as a child of a Military Father. He service, dedicated, work ethic and sacrifice to protect the lives of us living here in what is considered as a safe, prosperous nation has been something my family was directly involved in. In my father’s garage, he has a poster that reads the following quote:

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
- George Orwell

The garage for me is one of my places I’ve gone to since I was a teenager to paint. I could turn what was then my boombox on and drown out all of the world to safely paint for hours upon hours. I still am drawn to sitting in that same room when I return to visit every time. As I was reading out there over the past weeks and spending time journaling, pouring over great works of leaders, and spending time working on my spiritual fitness I again was reminded about my father’s service to our country.

America has political unrest, policy reform, socioeconomic conflicts and crime but for the majority of my life I knew I could lay my head on my pillow without hearing the sounds of bombs, terrorists and fear of my life. I think that’s a freedom taken for granted in our country. So before I give you a few poolside style tips, I am taking a moment to thank the brave souls that fight for our country. I wish war was not a necessity in our world today but I thank God every night I can pray in public, have access to food and medical care (even if it’s expensive) and the freedom to vote.

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If you have a chance to thank someone in your life tomorrow for trying to make our world a better place to live in and our country an environment who doesn’t not have daily mass destruction, war on our own soil from military raids. It doesn’t need to be military personnel but our politicians fighting for world policy or advocates to aid other countries and create better relationships with opposing governments to ensure our country remains safe. Just think, if everyone living here in America to a few minutes to thank one other person on our biggest day of celebration of Independence that’s one way we can influence to make this country a better place. Now on to a little style inspiration for our celebrations tomorrow!

I recently put this outfit together (which you can find about a month ago on my Instagram feed) to inspire you a poolside or beachside outfit you can easily transition for an afternoon of BBQ’s, firework viewing and other festivities. I mentioned in my last post about Swimsuit Style different cover ups you can layer so you aren’t strutting half naked around the place when you aren’t in the pool or lounging on a chair. As I am approaching mid-thirties (Yeeek! Can’t believe it!) I find a one piece is my go to for an all day swimsuit. It doubles as a cute top when you throw a scarf, sarong, skirt or shorts over it. You can check out a few other looks below here by clicking through the pictures to find the original post:

More Swimsuit Ideas and Cover ups

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Another tip is to add a pair of classic sunglasses, snazz up your look with a swipe of red lipstick and choose a patriotic palette without looking like an American flag. I love the combination of red, white and blue for it’s symbolism and complimentary, harmonious scheme. Add a nautical bag with rope details or a scarf to an otherwise neutral outfit in white or navy. Keeping a classy look is easy to assemble if you just take a few minutes and add a little color.

If you are spending time doing other activities you can add the same strategies above with dresses, rompers or other pieces you already own. Think about stripes, polka dots, or solid pieces for the day. You can also add gingham pieces for a little more fun! Click through the posts below to find more looks for inspiration for tomorrow!

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What are your plans for the Fourth of July?

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