Posts tagged velvet
How to Handle a Major Break Up

Earlier this year I experienced the ending of a very very long relationship. I’m here to tell you that no matter how bad the relationship gets, the break up is not an easy path. Especially if you’ve intertwined your lives by moving in together, getting married or having a child together. I believe there is a mourning period for the end of anything in life no matter how joyful the ultimate outcome is. You can know in your mind and soul that ending the relationship is the best thing for yourself, but actually going through the breakup itself takes time to heal. The thing is, you had a life with this person and dreams and hopes. When a major relationship ends, those dreams end. The life you thought you had will never be that way and the hope for the relationship to improve ends, too. As I’ve watched many friends and famous relationships break up during COVID-19 I realized this is a topic that many could benefit from reading.

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Easy Heirloom Tomato Tart On the Patio For dinner

Staying at home means everyday meals are an opportunity to create a little magic. Having extra time on my hands has done some amazing things to the soul! How about you? Are you feeling inspired these days? Lately, I take time to do things with a little more effort instead of my normal rushing through life a million miles a minute. It’s been refreshing for my creative side! Dinner became an heirloom tomato tart on puff pastry al fresco. I’ve even started getting dolled up for dinner at home like they used to in the 1800’s. Taking major cues from southern France’s culture!

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