Posts tagged Summer
Amazon Swimsuit Guide

We are halfway through July and halfway through the Summer so I wanted to share a quick round up of my swimsuit collection. Where did you get that suit is one of the most frequently asked questions I get in my DM’s when I post wearing one! I love all different kinds of styles from tankinis to bikinis. A lot of the suits I’ve been wearing lately have extra support in the chest area and tummy control so you can look and feel your best when you are at the beach or the pool. Below is a list of my favorites and even more styles over on my Amazon Storefront! Enjoy and make sure to tag #threeheelclicks when you post a picture wearing one!

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Small Town Charm: A Weekend in Historic Vicksburg

Over the summer I had the pleasure of visiting beautiful Vicksburg, Mississippi. This historic town offered the best weekend getaway and if you are looking for a lovely place to stay in the South, I highly recommend a brief trip. Nestled along the Mississippi River there is plenty to see and do for a few days. I loved how much history took place here to include the European exploration and Civil War events. There is so much culture to soak in while you stay and overall one of my top cities to travel to in the past few years. Below you will find few of my favorite spots including where to stay, what to eat and things to see while you are there.

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Postcards from North Padre Island

The island stretches a full 60 miles until you reach the Mansfield Channel that separates South Padre Island from North Padre Island. It’s absolutely beautiful and I look forward to getting the opportunity to come back and camp for a few days. I highly recommend bringing hiking boots so you can explore the beautiful sand dunes and grasslands. You’ll need to watch out for rattlesnakes, but other than that it’s a pretty mild hiking environment. You can watch the sunset over the Madre Lagoon which is one of seven estuaries in the world. I also recommend bringing a cooler with extra food and snacks in the event you were stuck. There’s not a lot of people as you get further down the coast (sometimes miles in between campsites) so keeping enough food and water on hand is essential.

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Getting Inspired Again

At the beginning of summer, I felt so worn out. I had just come off of a four-month push in my business and at work, my daughter broke her elbow and had surgery, and stress was at an all-time high. I felt exhausted and uninspired. Have you recently been there, too? I’ve learned as the years pass that life comes in waves. Sometimes you are riding a high and then the valleys in life happen. As I approach being 36 in two weeks I’ve been reflecting more and more about these seasons in my life. How do I manage the lows better? How do I encourage the high points to stay high longer? How do I stay inspired when I don’t feel like I have much energy? As I’ve reflected I found a few things that help me get through the waves of life.

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Sweet Summer Moments

I believe there are seasons for everything in life. I mentioned in my post last week on listening to your inner voice how I needed to take time to enjoy the things I’ve worked hard for over this past year. After a season of grinding every day from early morning until my head hit the pillow my body was telling me to get more rest. I started incorporating more quiet time, regular massages to work out stress knots in my body, and sleep to help combat the pressure. As the days began to get longer I noticed I also shifted in my sleep schedule. I awoke a little later and went to bed later. Instead of fighting this, I decided it was time to breathe it all in and just go with it. You see, as much as goals are incredibly important so is joy. Without joy, we cannot experience the fruit of our rewards. Savoring the sweetness of summer has never been so vital for me in the past. But here we are and I’m embracing this season. Time is precious and you cannot relive moments.

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Listen To Your Inner Voice

Are you one of those people that gets a strong sense of direction in the pit of your stomach? Like there’s something inside of you urging you to move one way or another? I am that person. I’ve always had a strong intuition but growing up and into my early adulthood, I didn’t always pay attention to it. In fact, sometimes I would rationalize against it. As I’ve aged (hello 35 almost 36) I’ve learned to trust that inner voice. The inner voice doesn’t steer me wrong. In fact, every time I’ve gone against it I’ve later regretted it. I believe intuition is just as important as what our minds can come up with. I find humans rationalize emotional and illogical choices to justify doing them. I also find that we lead so often with our heads and not our hearts.

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Building Your Summer Beauty Regimen

As we approach the last week of Spring and enter the beginning of Summer I like to take a quick inventory of my beauty cabinet to make sure I’m stocked up on the things I’ll need to keep my skin healthy. One thing I’ve learned over the course of my beauty journey is to address problems quickly. If I see my skin needs more hydration or protection from a bright atmosphere - I’ll definitely stock up in advance on spf and moisturizer. Today I’m going to share a few tips for customizing a summer skincare regimen made just for you.

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