Posts tagged inspiration
Restoring Yourself in Nature This Season

Let’s go ahead and just start with how this post can benefit everyone. I mean EVERYONE right now. Whether you want to admit it or not COVID-19 forever changed us and being stuck inside all the time is rough. Currently, I work from home and homeschool my child with virtual learning. By the end of the week my routines feel monotonous and I have an itch to go explore. For most of this past year I’ve taken day trips to surrounding areas like antique shopping or exploring near by honey and lavender farms. Every time I get a chance to leave I come back feeling renewed. I gain inspiration that carries me through the coming days and weeks. My soul literally feels more joy. Last weekend my daughter and I took a trip to Cedar Park on the north side of Austin. Our activities included being mostly outside and socially distant. At the end of the weekend she said this hike in St. Edwards Park was the best thing we did. Whether you face nature alone or take your loved ones, getting a little lost in nature is often times the refresher we all need to get us through the stressful times.

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Front Porch Swing

Let’s start with story time today… back when I was a little girl we lived in Lawton/Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. Most of you have little idea where the heck that is and for good reason. We lived on an artillery base. So if you weren’t into those sorts of things or part of the military it’s unlikely you would know about it’s location. I spent the formative latter years of elementary school there. Summers felt like gusts blowing from a constant furnace across your cheeks in the blistering dry heat and Winters were filled with all of the fun of building a snowman.

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