Posts tagged Personal Development
Gifting Books to Grow

Over the years my family who are avid readers have given the gifts of books time and time again. I have to tell you, books are some of my favorite gifts to give and receive. Last year I shared a few favorites in this post and then also I did a book review on Facebook live here. Books are incredible for the brain. Did you know it’s the best way to exercise your mind? It’s like giving your brain a high intensity workout. This year most of the books I’ve read revolved around the topic of personal development: spiritual, business, mental health and healing. I set out early in the year to make my life “explode” and knew from day 1 it would require an immense amount of focus. Some of these books were ones I listened to while others I read in paper form. Because I spend so much time in my life working on screens my book time stays off screen. Today’s post includes my favorite finds on Amazon so you still have time to grab for those loved ones or gift yourself as you begin a new year.

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Happily Ever After

Two years ago I gained weight. Sigh - there I said it (you can scroll to the bottom for a before and after pic). That was a big one for me to let out. I’m very much a perfectionist in a lot of ways. It’s a tough attribute to deal with because no matter how hard I try - it’s impossible for me to attain perfection. I wasn’t just overweight either. I was depressed and anxious at the same time. Can we say double-whammy? I didn’t want to drive anywhere due to panic attacks. I was constantly walking around in a foggy gloom. I wondered if this was all there was to life… I had this corporate job I was frustrated being apart of because I didn’t feel like I made a difference. I didn’t fit in with any of the suburban moms. My friends were married and had multiple kids. I lacked purpose, discernment and everything felt really complicated.

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Under Construction

The title and location of this post is fitting for where I stand right now in life. I’m in between to eras of my life leaving tons of room for growth and opportunity while discarding situations that no longer serve my purpose in life. Being under construction is interesting to say the least - kind of demmoralizing when you are building and revamping a new life. Are any of you in the same place? Not quite moved into your new life, but you’ve left the old one? If so, then read on my friends! Here are a few ways I handling the transitional phase.

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On the Brink of a New Horizon

Our world shifted and shifted fast a few weeks ago. It dawned on me that this shift is creating what we might call a new horizon. While we are all boarded up practicing sheltering-in-place, I thought it would be an incredible opportunity to address topics like self worth, confidence building, empowering others, anxiety and overcoming fear. With uncertainty compounding daily, I aim to offer an outlet for those of you who are looking for coping techniques and support during these unexpected times.

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I'm Too Busy...

How many times have you heard or said that over the past month? I mean seriously. Think about it. How many times? Forty? Hundreds? Thousands? If your like most of us the end of the year means piling one more thing on top of an already full plate. It means saying yes to a last minute invite when all you want is to crawl into your bed. It means extra glitter (which is the herpes of all craft supplies) requiring a NASA grade vacuum cleaner to remove all remnants. Yes, we know you are busy and we are too. I am no better at this thing called life than you are but I do have something going for myself - perspective. A positive perspective. I’m an eternal optimist and even when things are tough you’ll find me pushing hard to get through to the gold.

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