Gifting Books to Grow


Over the years my family who are avid readers have given the gifts of books time and time again. I have to tell you, books are some of my favorite gifts to give and receive. Last year I shared a few favorites in this post and then also I did a book review on Facebook live here. Books are incredible for the brain. Did you know it’s the best way to exercise your mind? It’s like giving your brain a high intensity workout. This year most of the books I’ve read revolved around the topic of personal development: spiritual, business, mental health and healing. I set out early in the year to make my life “explode” and knew from day 1 it would require an immense amount of focus. Some of these books were ones I listened to while others I read in paper form. Because I spend so much time in my life working on screens my book time stays off screen. Today’s post includes my favorite finds on Amazon so you still have time to grab for those loved ones or gift yourself as you begin a new year.

Best Books for Changing Mindset

Anyone can benefit from changing their mindset. One of the toughest lessons I had to learn in life was that no matter what the exterior circumstances are, the interior is what matters most. Having a positive mindset comes from an intentional place. I believe many of us have had relationships and friendships that have impacted our ability to see the positive. Here are four books written by top selling authors and business women who will inspire you to set and achieve goals you’ve dreamt your whole life about.


Getting your money in order can be a challenge but you don’t have to go at it alone. The following books are timeless reads on how to make the most of your mindset around money. When you have a mindset shift, everything changes. You have the power to change anything in your life but it first begins with changing your mind about that thing.

Elevate the Everyday

Finding joy, minimizing anxiety, having an orderly environment and nourishing your body are all ways you can improve your everyday life. Adding a little magic into each day makes a life worth living. All four of these books changed the way I functioned in my life on a daily basis.

Spiritual Growth

It is said if you aren’t growing then you are dying. That is true in all aspects of life. To continue to grow you have to put time, effort and focus into topics that matter to you. Starting and ending your day with your spiritual life nourishes your soul. I love the Joyce Meyer book that includes daily devotions. I recently received them as a gift and incorporated immediately into my morning and evening routines. Conversations with God was on my previous book recommendation list. I’ve given it as a gift and it’s just an incredibly trilogy. Finally, Beth Moore writes incredibly applicable books around discipleship and healing.

Change Your Habits change your life

If you are feeling stuck, look at your habits. Habits are incredibly important for success in life. They are also important to not feel chaotic. Routines help give you structure and free brain power to devote the fun stuff. Habit routines also play a HUGE factor in making sure you have things in order All four of these books will help change those habits.

Growing Your At Home Business

I included these last four since so many people have at home businesses now. If you have a loved one who is part of an MLM or runs an instagram account you can help add value to their business with these books. Capture Your Style by Aimee Song is incredible for your Instagram lover. The other three books are from top network marketing leaders with proven success tracks.

What books would you add to this list?

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