Set Aside Time for Joy


Oh my dear - are we all in for a treat of ambiguity on the daily. I don’t know about you, but I am itching to go places. Travel is one of the things I work hard for, and right now that’s limited. I have been anxiously practicing social distancing as if going to the grocery store was human dodgeball, but my soul still loves to wander. What’s a girl to do?


I decided to take matters into my own hands (as I often do). I decided to move my attention to the solution NOT the problem. So much of what we do in life focuses on problems. Think about it… look at the news. We talk over and over about the pandemic problem. The lack of beds, masks and ventilators. But what about focusing more of our attention on what we CAN do? What about concerning ourselves about where we can go? No matter what the circumstances in our lives are - we have the option to choose joy.


There is so much we can to do to bring ourselves joy. For instance, I can still take country drives to photograph nature or go on an outdoor hike. I can still take walks at sunset and paint. I can still get dressed daily, prepare delicious meals and journal. I’ve decided to keep a list of 10 activities I can do on any given day that I know brings me joy. That way, if I have a day that I’m feeling low on I have a plan and know exactly what to do to choose joy.

What’s on your list of things that bring you joy?