Favorite Winter White Finds on Amazon

Three Heel Clicks - Favorite Winter White Finds on Amazon

Every January I find myself gravitating towards simplifying. From clearing out clutter and holiday decor to clean eating the turn of the year presents itself with a chance to start clean. I find this theme is reflected in my home, my beauty routine and my wardrobe. There’s something incredibly refreshing about winter whites and cream tones and when snow fell this week I reached for winter items to bundle up in that matched the tones of the dreamy world around me.

Three Heel Clicks - Favorite Winter White Finds on Amazon

Winter white is a perfect color to wear by itself like I did in today’s monochromatic look or to mix and match with your favorite hues. A classic puffer jacket can be worn for years and keeps you so warm on frosty days like this. I also really love a pair of white jeans to carry into the warmer months with the change of a shoe or blouse. Layer a chunky soft sweater (or this one under $30) underneath your coat for a cozy look and then pair with fur trimmed boots. I’ve had this pair for years, but I’ve also rounded up cream colored ones below for you to shop. I pair mine with warm wool socks for added comfort.

Three Heel Clicks - Favorite Winter White Finds on Amazon

I also challenge you this week to take a long walk whether you live on a beach or on a mountain, no matter what the climate - get yourself dressed and go outside. Feel the warm sunlight hit your face and trickle down your body. Breathe in the air and leave your cell phone at home. Take an full hour to just live in the moment and be present. Daily walks changed my life. They clear out mental clutter and remind me that I was put on the earth to enjoy my time here.

Three Heel Clicks - Favorite Winter White Finds on Amazon

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