Posts tagged White Jeans
Mental Health And The Holidays

Can you believe Thanksgiving is in just two days? I absolutely cannot. After a whirlwind of a weekend traveling, I just got back to my house and was thinking a lot on my drive home about mental health and the next six weeks. Holidays are a time where schedules seem jam packed, the to do lists are endless and there are so many social events that leave a person drained at the end of the day. Furthermore, many companies are closing out their year with inventory counts, end of year sales and crunching budget numbers. As much as the season brings me joy, I also find so much of it to include a lot of additional stressors. When stressors amount life can get really overwhelming and the season can loose it’s luster. Here are a few ways I’m focusing on my mental health this season.

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Sometimes You Gotta Play

I’ve shared so much lately about bringing joy into my own life. One of the things that was the toughest to go through when I was experience panic attacks a few years back was being happy. In fact, I felt the opposite of happy most of the time during that era of my life. Each day I try to do at least one activity that raises my joy level. Sometimes it’s painting with acrylics while watching The Crown. Other times you’ll find my daughter and I dancing around the house after she gets a high grade on her school work. Being happy is a choice and I can’t think of a better way to move towards joy than incorporating a little play time.

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Favorite Winter White Finds on Amazon

Every January I find myself gravitating towards simplifying. From clearing out clutter and holiday decor to clean eating the turn of the year presents itself with a chance to start clean. I find this theme is reflected in my home, my beauty routine and my wardrobe.

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Baking Gingerbread Houses from Scratch

Every year my daughter and I decorate gingerbread houses. We’ve been doing this since she was five and it’s become a really fun tradition over the years. Most years we use a gingerbread kit. To date my favorite one came from Sprout’s which you can see in this previous post where we also mad our own wrapping paper for the season. This year I went ahead and braved doing one from scratch. Although it ended up being a little wompy the memories of making it will forever reside in my heart. Sometimes it’s not about being perfect it’s about the process.

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