Sweet Summer Moments

Three Heel Clicks - Sweet Summer Moments

I believe there are seasons for everything in life. I mentioned in my post last week on listening to your inner voice how I needed to take time to enjoy the things I’ve worked hard for over this past year. After a season of grinding every day from early morning until my head hit the pillow my body was telling me to get more rest. I started incorporating more quiet time, regular massages to work out stress knots in my body, and sleep to help combat the pressure. As the days began to get longer I noticed I also shifted in my sleep schedule. I awoke a little later and went to bed later. Instead of fighting this, I decided it was time to breathe it all in and just go with it. You see, as much as goals are incredibly important so is joy. Without joy, we cannot experience the fruit of our rewards. Savoring the sweetness of summer has never been so vital for me in the past. But here we are and I’m embracing this season. Time is precious and you cannot relive moments.

Three Heel Clicks - Sweet Summer Moments

Almost a decade ago I journeyed into the blog world to share daily fashion and shopping finds mostly in the form of outfits with you guys. Over the years Three Heel Clicks has metamorphed into a space where I share life findings, travel and my human experience with the hope you will find inspiration for your own life. I seek beauty every single day whether it’s noticing the crepe myrtles in bloom on the trees or baking the most scruptious chocolate chip cookies. The little things add up over time and I want to look back at the end of my life with an appreciation for all of those moments. The blog has become a way for me to document and share sweet memories that would otherwise get lost in the everyday shuffle of life.

Three Heel Clicks - Sweet Summer Moments

Whether you are playing in your living room with your own kiddos, cooking dinner for one, or just trying to get a good night of rest - I challenge you this week to savor the moment. Take your time to get ready each day. Take a long bath after you feel frazzled. If you have chapped lips, use an amazing exfoliator and put on a face mask. Go on a really long walk and watch the way the light filters through the trees. Swim in the pool and feel the water swarm around your body. These little moments strung together are what make life worth living. Go a little slower and allow yourself to feel joy. You deserve it. For me, a swipe of lipstick and a great outfit helps me feel like I am putting intention into an activity. My family teases me about it but I believe the way we dress impacts our mindset. If I show up at my best, I feel my best. So go ahead… you do the best version of yourself possible this week.

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