Posts tagged Anxiety Relief
Tips to Combat Depression

The thing is… sometimes we have to have emotional lows to get back to the highs. It’s a contrast. When we have to let go of something really big in life oftentimes we are left with an emptiness. That emptiness takes time to refill. So what can you do?

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Do What You Love Every Single Day

The past few months have been by the far the most transformative months in my life. I wrote a little about the past three years in my last post, but the past few months have grown in a new light. I reached a point where the universe gave me the opportunity to pair up with someone and grow with them. In the course of this healing process, I broke free from generational ties, and limiting beliefs and began doing exactly what I loved every single day. I believe that what we attract, we get. I believe that you can have the life of your dreams. I believe that the universe supports you when you give love. I believe that the greatest of all the gifts we receive is the power to go within. I also believe that you can have, be and do anything given enough time and resources.

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Sunflower Fields

I believe the world is a giant playground filled with magical corners. I believe heaven lies in running through a sunflower field at sunset, floating on the river with people you love, and being able to take long sunset drives with someone special.

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How to Start Journaling

Do you journal? I do! I use it to help process emotions, list ideas for the future and things I’m grateful for. I’ve been journaling for years and it has completely changed my life and mindset. If you are struggling to journal, that’s okay! Try this to get started…

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Three Techniques to Get Out of a Mental Rut

The mind can be a battlefield. If you’ve ever experienced a panic attack you know firsthand what mental hell is like. In my late twenties and early thirties, I had panic attacks all the time. I mean on the daily and oftentimes multiple times a day. I would freeze and feel like I couldn’t drive my car. I didn’t want to go very many places for fear of getting overstimulated. Being extroverted this felt really difficult. I was torn between what my soul and body wanted to do every day. I needed to bring my body out of fight or flight but being stuck at home to do so in a calm environment was torture in itself because then I was alone with my thoughts. Over time I would get therapy and begin working on training my brain to focus on new things. I would learn different coping techniques that were not full proof but would oftentimes get the job done. It took work. Each day I’d start going down the same worry wormholes and I’d spend time and energy pulling myself out. I figured some of you might be dealing with this, too. Here are three coping tools you can use when you go down a negative mental path:

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Thoughts on Rest and Play (and Why You Need It)

I spent the weekend resting, relaxing, and playing. The past month of my life was a whirlwind. My role at my job changed, a trip mid-month for a work conference in Vegas took place, and then when I returned it was a non-stop follow up from the trip. I worked twelve days straight without taking even an evening to myself. It was absolutely necessary, but at the beginning of last week, I started to feel really heavy. I dreaded Monday morning and felt like I had zero time to decompress. That was it for me. I knew it was time to take a break. It was suggested I take a full day off and just do what makes me happy, so I did just that. It can be a HUGE challenge to work full-time and run a blog and a business on social media. Although I’ve been doing all three for years, this month was particularly tough. I struggled to bounce back with energy. One thing I have learned about life is that I am the only one responsible for my life. If I want to live a life with clarity and calm I have to create that environment. I also know that I am prone to maxing myself out. Here are a few things I’ve learned about the necessity of rest and play.

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