Cheerful Holiday Posts for Everyone

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I thought today I’d round up all of the past posts I’ve created to help you with last minute holiday preparations. It’s so easy to get caught up in the flurry of activities that you become completely overwhelmed. Slowing down a little can make a big impact on your day to day joy. Here’s a little post on How to Keep Your Cool Over the Holidays. Here is a little holiday inspiration to help you through this week!

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Holiday posts are some of my favorite to execute. Finding scenery, dressing up and getting in the spirit are all results of creating inspiration to share with all of you. If you are looking for a few ideas on what to wear check out last year’s Holiday Dress Guide for velvet, lace and red items. You can also use items you probably already own for a last minute Christmas outfit! Are you heading to an office party? Well here’s a style guide for what to wear! If you are looking for a more low key outfit check out Cozy Winter pajamas with tons of current styles to wake up in on Christmas morning. A new pair of pajamas make all of the difference when opening gifts with loved ones!


Late January and early February are perfect months to travel up North if you are on a budget. Tickets are so much lower and it’s fun to plan an after holiday trip. Check out the charm of East Greenwhich in Rhode Island. You can also book tickets through Boston and they are under $150 in January from major cities like Houston! Boston is an excellent hub for getting all over the New England area. In the past I’ve traveled to other parts of Rhode Island like Oceanside Drive, Queechee or Woodstock in Vermont, and the beautiful snowy lands of Maine. If you are planning to visit somewhere chilly then check out How to Pack for a Winter Getaway for tips and tricks! Packing the appropriate gear can make or break a winter trip! Be prepared and efficient.


Looking to add a beautiful decorations or make memories? I love creating my own wreaths and this one you can do for under $20. I currently have it hanging on my own door. You can also make gingerbread houses or cookies to decorate. Such a fun activity for adults and kiddos! Another fun activity is to buy pretty colored markers and a roll of craft paper to make your own wrapping paper for gifts! Kids love being involved and this is a perfect way to help them express how much they care for family and friends. While I am crossing off the last of my Fall Bucket List, here’s a previous post on a Holiday Bucket List filled with fun things to do! You can also set a beautiful holiday table if you are hosting a gathering this season!


I mentioned making your own wrapping paper as an activity, but what about the actual gifts? Gift giving is one of my personal love languages and I like putting thought and effort into each selection but buy things for people (or sometimes I make them!) that have a very special meaning. Try giving a loved one the Joy of Reading or Gifting Nostalgia.

No matter what over the next two weeks just remember to enjoy each moment. Time is a strange thing and we anticipate so much just to watch it fly by! Create unique memories without stressing yourself out and remember that love is the most important part of Christmas.

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