The First Signs of Winter


After basking for the past few months in Southern California weather, it was beginning to feel like I was on a permanent vacation. A quick unexpected trip to the mountains was in order before making it back to Texas for the holidays. As we headed up the mountains in Northern California suddenly I noticed that the rain drops were actually flurries. Within a matter of a couple of hours and a long drive up we made it to a winter wonderland when we approached our mountain cabin.


Cozy Essentials from Wal-mart

One of the beautiful things about California is how you can get a taste of so many different climates and terrains. In the northern part of the state you have full mountain ranges and the breathtaking Redwood Forest. It’s so conservative in that part of the state and extremely rural. Drive just a few hours south and you approach the desert then coastal parts of the state. It’s beautiful!!! I could spend years exploring this state and never tire. Whenever I take road trips I try to make sure I have tons of water to hydrate and then SPF to protect my face from the UV rays. During the Winter months it’s so important to protect your skin and UV rays poke through our atmosphere regardless of the season.


As the snow started piling on thicker and thicker I bundled up in this jacket I bought for under $25. The shade of gray is similar to the color on an elephant. It’s really flattering for those who find that black is harsh on their complexion. Grey pairs so beautifully with warm browns, tans and creams. It also compliments pastels and bright reds. I’ve been adding everything from soft heathered prints to smooth charcoal shades.


As the first signs of Winter appear I like to pull out my favorite textures like cable knit sweaters, faux fur throws, and deep grey wool. I also think it’s nice to bring other cozy elements into your environment.  Rich warm vanilla and sandalwood candles, lighting a wood burning fireplace, and having delicious coffee (try these capsules which are hands down my favorite at home coffee!) makes the long grey days feel warm and inviting. It’s also the perfect time of the year to use skincare products like beauty oil and exfoliating masks. Turn your bathroom into an at home spa and you’ll never want to leave home again! At least not for a few months…


Another thing about Winter that draws us inside are the shorter days and long nights. I find that I’m inclined to spend more time in the kitchen baking and more time on my hands to do activities like reading. While Summer nights are filled with BBQ, swimming and evenings spent on the patio Winter is a time to come inside and light a fire. I’ve rounded up a few cozy things to add a winter touch to your home and wardrobe.

What are your favorite winter activities?


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