Put Some Pep in Your Step This Morning!

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There was a time when I hated Monday mornings. Heck, I hated all mornings. Now I no longer use an alarm and find I naturally wake when the sunlight pours into my bedroom window (or hotel room as it currently stands). I immediately rise excited to start my day, but it wasn’t always like that. There were years that went by where I felt like getting out of bed required me to army crawl to my coffee pot for energy. Although I sure do love a good cup of coffee, I’ve noticed since I made lifestyle changes over the past year I have so much more enthusiasm to get myself out of bed. I thought it would be motivating to share a few ways to put some pep into your step this morning!

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Down a HUGE glass of water first thing

Hydration is key for energy, clear skin, and for our minds. By starting the day with a tall glass of water (at least 16oz) you’ll be immediately helping your mind and body kick off right! Hydration is so important in the mornings because you just spent hours sleeping which in turn means little fluids were put into your body. Put a tall glass beside your bed and down it first thing in the morning!

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Play some of your favorite upbeat music

Forget the TV, radio and news this morning and control the message with some upbeat tunes to lay a positive foundation for the day. Because the news and radio are pretty unpredictable on content, you can choose a playlist of songs that would get you movin’ in the morning. Imagine getting your favorite song stuck in your head rather than some silly jingle on the radio. Control the message you hear and keep your mind in a positive place!

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Wear a Favorite Outfit and Feel Your Best

When I worked in an office I usually came in dressed pretty nice on Monday’s. It was always nice because I usually had meetings with my teams or the executives. Being dressed up and prepared to attend a formal business meeting was something I frequently did. If you are staying at home today, pull out a comfy sundress or pair of athleisure joggers and matching top. Even your lounge wear can be stylish and luxurious.If your running errands or dealing with the kiddos, you can always opt for your favorite pair of shorts with a button down top or a cute matching athletic set. The key is to be intentional. Put on light makeup and fix your hair. You’d be surprised what 15 minutes of effort can do for your mood.

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