Building Your Summer Beauty Regimen


As we approach the last week of Spring and enter the beginning of Summer I like to take a quick inventory of my beauty cabinet to make sure I’m stocked up on the things I’ll need to keep my skin healthy. One thing I’ve learned over the course of my beauty journey is to address problems quickly. If I see my skin needs more hydration or protection from a bright atmosphere - I’ll definitely stock up in advance on spf and moisturizer. Today I’m going to share a few tips for customizing a summer skincare regimen made just for you.


Start with the core products

I’ve been exclusively using YOUOLOGY skincare regimen from YOUNIQUE since last September. It’s hands down changed the entire canvas of my face for the better. Years have been taken off by giving my skin what it needs when it needs something. You can take this short quiz to build your own regimen. YOUOLOGY allows you to customize three boosters to add key ingredients to your cleanser, serum and moisturizers. So fun!


Add treatments like masks and oils for added benefits

I love the YOUOLOGY masks and Uplift Beauty Oil. Two day a week I use the exfoliating mask and then one day a week I use the brightening mask. The perfecting mask is perfect for detoxing after a long sweat session or if I start breaking out. There is also an oil control great for oily prone skin. Finally, my favorite is the Uplift Beauty Oil which is packed with Vitamin C and not greasy at all! Every product is backed with a love it guarantee!!!


Make sure you practice a beauty lifestyle

One thing I recommend to my clients and customers is to make sure you are practicing a beauty lifestyle. You can only treat topically for so long before the underneath layers need attention. Your body is an ecosystem. If you are regularly experiencing breakouts - then look at your diet and lifestyle. Are you hydrating? Do you eat fresh fruits and vegetables everyday? What about sleep - are you well rested? Are you exercising and managing stress properly? Your body needs sleep, exercise, rest and nourishment to thrive. Your skin is a reflection of what’s happening in the body.

On a final note, make sure you give your skin time to get back to normal when treating. Most dermatologists will tell you that it takes 3-6 months of a consistent regimen to see results. I promise if you use products suitable to your skin and also maintain consistency you will see a HUGE improvement.


If you would like to set up a skincare consultation - feel free to shoot me a quick email!