Posts tagged Beauty Routine
An Afternoon of Unwinding to Get Your Glow Back

If you are currently feeling constant pressure, it’s time to put a boundary in your life for you. You have to refill your cup before you can fill others. You have to slow down, get rest, read books for fun, put your thoughts on paper, practice good skincare and treat yourself to a day for you. You may be sitting here reading this and think, I wouldn’t even know what to do with myself if I had a day. Start small, carve out time for you to take a bath each night after kids go to bed. Get up a little bit earlier so you can read a book that puts you in a good mental place. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy… so give yourself a little play time. You’ll be able to take care of your responsibilities with a renewed sense of energy and focus. You’ll be able to love on your family better and you’ll be able to recognize when something isn’t a healthy choice in your life. Go ahead and treat yo’self!

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Winter Skincare Guide

Yesterday we had a ton of snow in a winter storm here in Texas. After spending the day playing in all of the flurries I realized my skin needed some extra care and love. I have extremely sensitive and reactive skin. It usually requires attention if I travel to a new environment, make a change in what I eat or experience weather changes. Winter usually brings a drop in temperature and a drop in humidity. I noticed over the past few months my skin has been a little on the dry side. Here are the products I am using in my skincare routine to help combat snow, rain, sleet and dry weather for a clear and health complexion.

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Refresh Your Beauty Regimen

As the new year is approaching and resolutions are being made I realize that one of the best things I’ve ever done to take care of myself was to refresh my beauty regimen. A few years ago I struggled with hormonal acne. It was so incredibly tough being an adult. It affected my confidence so much. After making a few simple changes and managing my stress level I was able to improve the health of my skin and reduce problems with acne. I changed my regimen, switched to non-toxic products and implemented healthier lifestyle choices. Now I make it a point to regularly point to clear out old products and clean things out. Here are a few ways I’m refreshing my beauty regimen for the upcoming year.

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Building Your Summer Beauty Regimen

As we approach the last week of Spring and enter the beginning of Summer I like to take a quick inventory of my beauty cabinet to make sure I’m stocked up on the things I’ll need to keep my skin healthy. One thing I’ve learned over the course of my beauty journey is to address problems quickly. If I see my skin needs more hydration or protection from a bright atmosphere - I’ll definitely stock up in advance on spf and moisturizer. Today I’m going to share a few tips for customizing a summer skincare regimen made just for you.

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Your Skin Needs This Every Five Days

Did you know that your skin sheds cells once every five days? If you do remove the dead skin cells off your face every five days your skin becomes dull over time and this leads to aging and acne. Exfoliating doesn’t have to be a big deal - just throw on a mask while you are making coffee or folding a load of laundry. But the importance of a regular exfoliation regimen is a BIG DEAL. Clear skin, healthy glowing skin requires maintain with and upkeep. Let’s chat about a few ways exfoliation helps your skin.

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24 Hour Valentine's Day Flash Sale to Pamper Your Loved One

Wow! January is quickly drawing to an end and I don’t know about you but I can’t believe Valentine’s Day is just two weeks away. First of all, I am going to start this post off by sharing that if you are single I HIGHLY recommend buying yourself a gift for Valentine’s Day. Last year, I shared a post for all of the single ladies out there on Valentine’s day which you can read here. But, go ahead. Treat yo’self!

Now let’s talk about gifts! First of all, some of these items can easily be gifted for him or her. All products are non-toxic and great for teens or aging skin! Just figured you’d like those facts before taking the time to browse.

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