Five Ways to Brighten Your Own Day

Three Heel Clicks - Five Ways to Brighten Your Own Day

I’m pretty sure all of us felt a little jolted this week. Not to mention, all of 2020 was an impact. I noticed although I personally experienced highs and lows throughout the past year, the last few months of 2020 I felt my energy lowered. The days were getting darker earlier. I was struggling with quality sleep. My activity goals dropped on fitness. All in all I was in a little bit of a funk. As I moved through about two months of that I started noting things that were bringing my energy down. As I noted things that made me stressed versus things that made me feel energized I started moving away from the the negative. I realized after going through this dip it was more important than ever to bring my own sunshine. Whether it’s something simple or lavish - do what makes you feel alive and good. Move one step closer to being a happier and mentally healthier person. Here are five ways to brighten your own day.

Raise Your Heartrate

Beginning a HIIT training plan six weeks ago changed my mood faster than I expected. I wrote earlier this week about the benefits of the past six weeks of completing three 30-minute workouts changed so much for me! When you raise your heart rate you release endorphins and serotonin. This is so important for you to have a better mood! Anyone can take a few minutes everyday and add a little more activity into your day. Try a brisk 10 minute walk after each meal. Do 20 jumping jacks. Whatever it takes, get your heart rate up and you’ll see immediate and long term effects.

Three Heel Clicks - Five Ways to Brighten Your Own Day

Change your clothes

Although I love my comfy clothes, I found every few days it was nice to get dressed to the nines. There’s something about taking the time to get ready and looking your best that makes you feel better. Pull out whatever it takes - I personally have reached for hot rollers, layers of mascara and a bold lip. I also put on a ball gown or to. Yep, that happened. Somedays I dress up for a run to the grocery store. At this point I’m all about bringing joy to everyday occurrences. Elevate your life every single day.

Three Heel Clicks - Five Ways to Brighten Your Own Day

Bake Something Tasty

If you follow me at all on social media you’ll constantly find me baking something gluten free. It’s become almost a form of therapy for me. In fact, you can read about my baking therapy and going grain free in this post. I love to bake and you do not need to be an expert to whip up something really tasty. Grab my favorite grain free cookbook from Sweet Laurel’s that shares beginner recipes with simple ingredients. I also half a lot of the recipes so that I don’t feel tempted two dozen cookies by myself.

Tidy Up Your Space

I’ve noticed when my home is untidy my energy is drained. This actually happened earlier this week. I saw there was a little bit of clutter on every surface. I decided enough was enough. I blocked the world out for about an hour, put in my airpods and went to town listening to the 80/20 principle. Listening to audio books is one of my 2020 life hacks. As a busy mom, entrepreneur audio books are necessary for my personal growth. I love popping on in my ears to tune out the world and focus on the task at hand. A few other book recommendations can be found here in my December giving books to grow post.

Three Heel Clicks - Five Ways to Brighten Your Own Day

Spend an Evening Doing Self Care

Sounds silly but it’s not! Giving yourself some love will help you refill your cup so you can give more to others. Take yourself a long charcoal epsom salt bath and light a few candles. Sometimes I even do this in the middle of the day! Put on a skincare mask and give that face some TLC. I love using this brightening mask for a little glow up session. Then, nourish with Vitamin C infused beauty oil and customized moisturizer. After all of that, I then use this back massager to release tension in my neck.

Once you have refilled your own cup, then share these tips with others! We can give so much more and help influence those around us when we give ourselves love and care. I’m a big fan of making sure I give as much as I can but it’s important to keep yourself mentally in a good place. I know for years I felt burned out and didn’t give myself down time. It was incredibly unfulfilling and a terrible way to live.

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