How to Utilize Habit Routines to Make Getting Ready Easier

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I’ve been spending much of this past month studying habit routines. As I’ve been learning and implementing habit routines, I’ve been amazed at how much less stress I endure on a daily or even hourly basis. I began creating habit routines both morning and evening every day for two weeks. After I managed to complete these, I’ve added in weekly and afternoon habit routines. Today I’m sharing two strategies to make getting ready each day effortless and automatic. One of the reasons habit routines are so important in life is that it fufills the needs of our bodies, minds and souls allowing more mental space.

Think about it, when you reverse your car out of a parking lot you do so many of the actions automatically. You don’t have to think about the seat belt, putting your keys into the ignition or looking to see if you are clear. After driving for years, these actions become automated. Just like mastering driving skills you can master organization and routine. Just like anything, it takes discipline and repetitive behaviors over time for habits to become automated.

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If you find that you are constantly in a hurry to get ready each morning and picking out an outfit seems to be an overwhelming event then this post is for you! Let’s begin by discussing how to prepare your week for a successful morning each day.

Every Sunday block an hour or two of uninterrupted time off your calendar. If you have a big family, you may want to get up early so you can get things accomplished or set a timer for your family and notify them you are busy until the timer goes off. Grab the following items:

  • Cell phone or camera

  • Full length Mirror

  • 5-7 hangers

Pull out five work or everyday outfits. Try each outfit on with full accessories and your shoes. Once the outfits are on, take a selfie in the mirror so you can easily reference outfit options during the week without having to really make a big choice. By using timeblocking techniques like this, you can use your brain all at once instead of every day. Create an album or folder on your phone where you can keep all outfits in one place. You are beginning to develop a catalog of outfits you can later reference. If something looks good, you can now incorporate that style into your routine.

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Once you have put together your entire outfit, you can steam, press or iron the fabric. You want to hang up the garments and drape accessories around the neck of the hanger. It creates a simple system where in the mornings you grab a hanger and go. I also like to set aside a workout outfit and pj’s for each day so I’m not scouring for a matching set throughout the week.

Once all outfits are laid out, then you can pack your work bag, diaper bag, mom bag or school bag for the week. Choose one bag for all of your items and then add a smaller purse for your cell, makeup, and wallet. I like to keep my workbag consistent so I’m not constantly switching then add variance by adding a smaller purse. I’ve tried many different techniques, but it’s nice to go to lunch without carrying a suitcase of paperwork on my shoulder.

Lastly, take a nice long bath on Sundays. I’ll discuss more about developing a Sunday evening routine in a future post, but pamper yourself on your day of rest. I also like to go ahead and wash my hair since I do this about every 5-7 days. Sunday provides a day for me to connect spiritually with God, get organized to clear my mind and time to exercise to work on my physical health. I cherish each Sunday and find a little time devoted to making things simpler all week, creates a clear mental space and less chaos. If I wake up a few minutes late, oh well! I know I can throw a protein shake in my bag and then grab my outfit. I have a few go to hairstyles that take less than 5 minutes and an easy everyday makeup routine. I can get ready in 15 minutes if necessary. However, to do all of this in a short amount of time I spend an hour or two on Sundays making sure I am prepared.

This dress was gifted by Land’s End and I couldn’t be more excited to share it with you! It’s made out of cotton and the print is so vibrant. Head over to Land’s End to shop more of their beautiful dresses on sale right now!

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