Houston Hotspots: The Whimsy World Part 2

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Let’s talk more about art today. I was wondering how many of you make it a point to go see art exhibits? There were a few years where I was working 14 hour days in sales and I didn’t have as much opportunity to view nor create art. You may be surprised to know that art has be a huge part of my life from a very young age. It was an area in school I excelled with ease. In college, I funneled those skills into a practical form including drafting and interior design. However, I’ve never lost the passion to create pieces. There’s something so exhilirating about sitting down with a blank canvas with zero ideas in mind.

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Sometimes when I sit for a painting I have little idea where it’s going to go. Before you know it my brush is taking over and a few hours later some sort of design or image appears. Art is magic. It’s transforming for your soul. Over the past few months I’ve been yearning for more soulful actions. After a decade of working in corporate America I’ve been left with aching for more depth in my life. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the time I spent learning how businesses function, leadership skills and most of all how to upsell intangible services. But now that I’m almost mid-thirties my focus shifted. I need more art. I need more depth. I need more that makes me want to jump out of bed excited to conquer my day. Most of all I need to play again.

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Play is important for the soul, body and mind. Think about how free you feel when you play a game of kickball or badmitton. Look at how animals play when they get a burst of energy. As adults our lives become centered around billpaying, to do lists, adulting you may call it. Calendars quickly flood with another doctor appointment, dance practice or school event for our children. Maybe you are single and you work long hours that leave you exhausted. For years I stopped playing. I stopped creating. I was going through life just trying to survive instead of living. I was depleted and sad inside. I was unspired and bitter. Very bitter.

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Then, one day it just had to stop. A switch inside of me turned on and I couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t fill that space with more work. I couldn’t have a glass of wine to numb the emptiness. I couldn’t go through my day with little sleep or rest. I couldn’t live like that anymore. Being run down is not living…it’s surviving. I remember sitting on my couch and aching for myself to come back. It was like I lost myself and suddenly I needed to find her.

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These days are different. I no longer work a high power job I work for myself and take care of my family. No longer do I jam pack everyday. I get up early when I’m awake and work into the afternoon when I take a nap. I stretch my body and do yoga to release tension and help focus. If something on my to do list doesn’t get accomplished I no longer punish myself with doubt. Nothing is perfect over here, but I am slowly regaining myself. I am slowly finding more and more of her everyday. I am beginning to see the world as a beautiful playground where I’m ready to share what inspires me.

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No matter what season in life you’re in you have the ability to change things. You have the ability to make small adjustments and fine tune your life. Maybe you need quiet time before you start your day? Try getting up an hour or two before your family. Maybe your body needs more rest? Try sitting still in silence for just ten minutes and breathe deeply. Maybe you soul is aching to play? Get out and find those whimiscal corners of the world. You don’t have to live in a big city. You don’t have to have to make life a big ordeal. If you love art, search Pinterest for inspiration. If you love to write, buy a journal and start jotting down ideas. If you love to explore get out and take long walks. If you love to cook, make something new. Slow down and enjoy each activity. Put your phone away when you are doing these things to fully immerse yourself in them (unless you are taking pictures and then just turn to airplane). Set expectations with your family and let them know you need this time for YOU.

The results? You’ll find too that your to do lists are shorter. Your priorities may shift. Your life may change and you just might get yourself back. Today’s post is not only about playing playing in the whimsical world that Shelbi Nicole created (you can read more about her Houston exhibit in yesterday’s post) but about playing in life. Live your dreams one moment at a time and create a life well-lived. I hope you find inspiration today and a little motivation to be your best and truest version of yourself.

What are ways you stay inspired?

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